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Time expansion/dilation (some information)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:11 am
by 8604
Hey guys, I know that similar doses have been requested before, and I'd like to share some information that might be helpful in developing this dose.

So, I read a book by Steve Taylor called "Making Time: Why Time Seems to Pass at Different Speeds and How to Control it"

I recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand time passage, this book is DEAD ON!

Basically what expands time are two things:

A) The amount of information your brain processes in a given time via sensory input

B) Separation from the ego, and the desensitizing(to surroundings) mechanism within. (Explained further)

Here's an overview.

On the surface level...

Speeding up time:

- Becoming absorbed in one thing, brain processes less information (having fun or spacing out or sleep, being too comfy).

Slowing down time:

maximum information processing, engaged in the present moment using the most sensory perceptions(traveling to new places, physical discomfort, time awareness(checking the clock all the time), thinking about how bored you are and what you'd rather be doing)

--Root level--

Speeding up time:

The ego, which contains the structure of excessive thought chatter, uses a lot of mental energy(and more with age). This scarcity of energy means we now have to prioritize our energy, so we are desensitized to anything in our surroundings that are not important.(time passing faster with age) resulting in less information processed, time collapses.

Time slowing down:

Meditation/mindfulness(to reduce thought chatter and ego structure), getting in the zone/extreme focus, near death experiences, hypnosis, all these things halt the ego and causes time to expand dramatically.

So basically what we're looking at is a way to minimize thought chatter while maximizing orientation in the present moment, and awareness of the senses and details all at once. This will probably require to slow down the mind so it can process more(paradoxically this slowing down expands time)

Pretty much reducing the ego while maximizing sensory awareness.

Hope this helps :)