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Miss You Guys!

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:57 am
by SadLittlePony
I had a lot of fun talking to you all about drugs, movies, art, and most importantly Dosing. I was very happy to help a lot of you get started and unfortunately now that the forum is booming I am not allowed to be as active. So I wanted to say thank you all for making this a fun and safe place to chill. Keep on dosing. I will still be here reading your reviews and comments. But most of you have a pretty firm grasp on things now. I hope to see further movement here. And once again. I am not gone. I just dont have time to be active like I used to be.

Re: Miss You Guys!

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:25 pm
by masonraus
Well I hope everything is good for you Pony and that maybe you will get some time to dose here and there :D You will definitely be missed because your reviews were amazing and it seemed like everyone looked up to you. :-(
I wish you luck in all of your pursuits :),

Re: Miss You Guys!

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:30 pm
by PiCiNk0
No! Please, don't go! :( We'll all miss you... I hope you will get active later and get back here, we'll still hold you place :D And if may I ask, why don't you have time to reply but you have time to read the forum?

Re: Miss You Guys!

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 5:07 pm
by SadLittlePony
Ah thank you guys you are all so nice.

The reasoning is during the day I do not have a job yet so I do odd and end jobs for some coin so I can buy little luxuries. I recently got married and my Wife and I like to spend a lot of time together, so when she is home I dont even think about the computer. In fact her and I dose every night together and I have new reviews for you all. I just havnt had time to type them up.

I am still here though. Barely. But I strive to make this place fun so I am not gonna just leave haha. You guys are my friends. I just wanted to say I miss you all when I am not online.

Re: Miss You Guys!

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:55 am
by kagalive
Aww pony, we all <3 you here at the forums. Your reviews are what inspired me to stick to iDoser until I started feeling effects, and, to start reviewing doses myself.

You are an inspiration to us all so please don't leave us completely :)

Best of luck with the future.

From an avid fan.

Re: Miss You Guys!

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:52 pm
by SpaceMiNd
Have fun, be safe, stay dosing
with love, - SpaceMiNd