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My first dose....Cocaine

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 2:08 am
by hsv231
Hello everyone,

Well after much reading of I-dosing and reading through the forums i went out today and brought a set of headphones and thought its time to give it a go.

My first dose i tried was "Cocaine" 30mins. Heres how it went..

Before starting the dose i put my headphones on and layed there breathing deeply slowly counting my breaths to help relax i then hit play.. :nod:

I layed there with a pillow over my eyes and my eyes closed i started counting back from 999 so i was focused and my brain wasnt wondering, Into the dose i found my brain starting to get distracted to i started counting my breaths instead. Then it started with my feet i started getting a tingly feeling throughout my feet then also in my hands. Furthur in i also got this feeling in my stomach area i guess it felt like an excitement feeling. My cheeks were twitch randomly as this was happening i new something was working :mrgreen:

I found my eyes hard to keep closed like they wanted to open and also had a moment where my eyes were closed but felt like they were open.. :S crazy.

So thats my first expirience. Would any others like to share there expiriences with this dose or any tips?


Re: My first dose....Cocaine

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:32 pm
by SadLittlePony
I havnt done this dose for some time but I have to say it was a very musical one for me.

Re: My first dose....Cocaine

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:37 pm
by Trance750
Do you experience any hallucinations?

Re: My first dose....Cocaine

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:01 pm
by SadLittlePony
Yes oh yes I felt like I was standing on a stage in front of an infinite number of entities all gathered to watch me preform. I was playing ambient metal (sounds weird but trust me its awesome) and I was playing every interments at the same time. I was every member of the band aware of each existence at the same time. I could look out to the crowd and see the earth setting behind them. I assume we were on the moon. I could feel my instruments as if they were a part of me. I could feel each note being played. I heard every sound coming from the amp, the hum of the cables, the click of my pick hitting the guitar string, i could feel it all as though it were me.

Re: My first dose....Cocaine

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:09 pm
by Trance750
SadLittlePony wrote:Yes oh yes I felt like I was standing on a stage in front of an infinite number of entities all gathered to watch me preform. I was playing ambient metal (sounds weird but trust me its awesome) and I was playing every interments at the same time. I was every member of the band aware of each existence at the same time. I could look out to the crowd and see the earth setting behind them. I assume we were on the moon. I could feel my instruments as if they were a part of me. I could feel each note being played. I heard every sound coming from the amp, the hum of the cables, the click of my pick hitting the guitar string, i could feel it all as though it were me.
That is just totally epic. I want to be able to have an experience like that