my first experience(astral)
Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:41 pm
So after i toked on some green, i decided to try out i doser cus i had just heard about it from a friend. so i bought the idoser app off the itunes store and astral projection caught my eye. so i layed i closed my blinds, layed in my bed, plugged in my earbuds and turned the dose on. after about 1 min i started to feel numb. then at about 8 min in(its off the app so the doses are only 15 min long) i started to be lifted up out of my body into space by what i thought was like an angel or something like that. as i was rising up i could see my house from above. this lasted for a few minutes then i fell back into my body and the dose ended. overall it was pretty crazy for a first time user and i highly suggest trying it out.