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What to do when it starts hitting?
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:08 pm
by Technofreak13
Ok, so a little into the dose when you start to feel like your bed waving back and forth, what do you do? Do you concentrate ON the bed, or try to ignore it, or try to keep to the beats? I've noticed when it starts happening, I get excited that I'm finally getting some results and concentrate on the bed moving and it goes away. Then I end, not feeling anything :/ any tips? I've studies up a lot on meditation and I've read a few guides, even the official one but have trouble falling into the trance....any and all help is appreciated
Re: What to do when it starts hitting?
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:16 pm
by Legalize It
try not to notice or think about how this dose is(or will) effect u, just keep meitating and concentrating on the sound.
Re: What to do when it starts hitting?
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:12 pm
by badpup
Yes don't get over excited espcially by movement... Maintain your disassociative state...
Re: What to do when it starts hitting?
Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:00 am
by Qwazz
happen to me when i first tried content... my hands went numb and i kept moving them
Re: What to do when it starts hitting?
Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:25 pm
by Technofreak13
ok cool and how do you keep your mind clear? I get close but something always creeps in...I've tried a ton of guides on meditating haha
Re: What to do when it starts hitting?
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:55 pm
by badpup
See every thing like excercise, meditation n all needs just 2 things.. Time and pressure.. Give it the time and put in the effort it'll all be clear and easy..
Re: What to do when it starts hitting?
Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:30 am
by Nick420
So when i start feeling effect im trying not to get excited,im laying down emotionless,cuz if you start getting happyn n stuff it can break down youre dose,so pratice more on concentrating and not letting youre mind out
Re: What to do when it starts hitting?
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:34 am
by Technofreak13
oh ok haha I usually think like "oh man this might finally be the one!" and thinking of what exactly I'm feeling at that moment
Re: What to do when it starts hitting?
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:18 pm
by Nick420
Technofreak13 wrote:oh ok haha I usually think like "oh man this might finally be the one!" and thinking of what exactly I'm feeling at that moment
No no no,thats the biggest problem as a begginer,i had the same problem,it starts hittin my toughts "o boy o boy finnaly what its gonna be?how it is?what im feeling?
" all these questions and toughts break down the dose cuz of the toughts their racing more than a concentration on a dose,so in results you get to excited and leave with no effects at all
Pratice mate
once you gonna have a good selfcontrol you will see the diffrence
Re: What to do when it starts hitting?
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:03 am
by Technofreak13
ok thanks haha how did you finally overcome this? like just say "NO" every time you started thinking that?
Re: What to do when it starts hitting?
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:33 am
by Nick420
Technofreak13 wrote:ok thanks haha how did you finally overcome this? like just say "NO" every time you started thinking that?
its a qouestion of time and you experience more doses you start getting INTO the dose literally,just pratice,my methode is something like,tottaly relax clear youre mind,then just w8 till you start feeling the effect,as you start feeling effect start enjoying it not like getting happy or thinking,just enjoy the feeling of effect overcoming youre body
something like that,oh and as you start to think bout experience the dose starts to see boring and long so dont break ya mind up,it can really break down the dose
Re: What to do when it starts hitting?
Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:19 pm
by Technofreak13
OK so I've been dosing for a year now :/ how much time does it take? haha and I just can't control when I start feeling the "bobbing back and forth" effect, I need to know how to stom myself from thinking when I dose
Re: What to do when it starts hitting?
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:09 am
by Nick420
Technofreak13 wrote:OK so I've been dosing for a year now :/ how much time does it take? haha and I just can't control when I start feeling the "bobbing back and forth" effect, I need to know how to stom myself from thinking when I dose thats a problem,it just goes and thats all,the first time i controled my self was 1month into the idose,it just came by itslef i just kinda switched my brain to thinking nothing and thats all
Re: What to do when it starts hitting?
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:19 pm
by sugarvixen
Unfortunately due to our high-stress society, our minds are more active then they need to be, which can make it very difficult to stop thought on demand. Meditation is a well-known method of calming the mind, but does take practice, especially if it doesn't come easy to that individual. Some focusing techniques that might help induce a trance and keep the mind from wandering:
1) following the breath: by focusing attention on the flow of air in and out of the body
2) chanting: silently or low volume aloud a humming noise (such as om)
3) visualization: focus attention on an object (real, such as a candle flame, or visualizations on some audio player programs, or picture an image in your mind)
I've also read that resisting the intrusive thoughts make things worse, and would be better to instead acknowlege them and let them pass.
I'm sure a lot of people out there are having similar frustrations (myself included), but it just takes practice. Once you can calm the mind without trying to force it or having expectations, it should come naturally with little effort, and then give you better results. Good luck and keep us posted!
Re: What to do when it starts hitting?
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:36 pm
by Technofreak13
cool thanks! I'll definitely have to try those