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My First Time!?!?

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:38 am
by Mr Mucha
Ok so to all those people who are either non-believers or want to know what its like, heres my first time story.
My friend mentioned I-Doser to me and when I hear the concept I was laughing so hard, but he showed it to me, so I figured what the heck. Ok so I'm looking over the drugs and decide to take Opium, they reccomend it for beginners and I give it a shot. I tell my family I want no interruptions, and now its nighttime so it's close to pitchblack in my room besides my computer being on, I got some good Sony earphones which canceled out noise, and start it up.
Ok so at first I'm just staring at my fan laying on my bed, just thinking how this stuff is gonna work. The first feeling I felt was my face got warm, I started to heat up a little, then my mouth and throat were getting dry. I was like "Ok, interesting". I was waiting some more, and then my hands and legs start to feel really heavy, I'm like oh shit, at first I didnt like it, I couldnt move them, I tried to move my fingers but couldnt, I was trying to fight it, but they wouldnt budge. I decided to accept it and let them rest.
Now I feel very heavy still looking at my fan wondering when I'm gonna see things or whats gonna happen next.
Then I started seeing some weird faces and things in my fan and on my cieling. I just let it go.
About halfway I would say I suddenly took a very very deep breath, like I was just born, I felt like my body has come back to me, and the air was so good. Then I went back to my normal calm slow breathing.
About 3/4 there I started seeing red everywhere, my room was turning red. It was pretty weird. Now this whole time I could barely move, I felt like I was in a coma.
Now here is the coolest part, close to the end, my eyes kinda rolled back and they were still open, but I felt like I was dreaming, I can't really explain it, but I felt like I was actually dreaming as I would when I'm sleeping but I was still able to see. It was the craziest part.
Then my legs and arms started to get really light, so light, like feathers. I started to lift them. I didn't mean to at all, but they were so light they started to lift.
At the end I took another big deep breath and it ended. Now I get up feeling a little dazed, so I take it slow, cause I dont wanna pass out. I try to get up and am very weak, I can barely hold the headphones, I drop the headphones on the ground, and wobble to the bathroom, I can barely stand and look at myself in the mirror, I look like I just took some real drugs and am really dazed. Then it started to go away.
So now I sit here shocked that this worked and now am a believer. I promise you all of this is true and not a lie. Im not trying to sell you the product, but all I can say is that this stuff works. Now take in mind that Opium is a moderate drug, I can imagine what the hardcore stuff does to you.
Now if you actually read all this and are still interested, have any questions, or wanna talk, just IM me at Diceman702. Im always on and willing to talk about this crazy experience. :eek:

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:17 pm
by lordfarquad
I tried lucid dreaming last night and holy crap. During the dose i was like "this sucks" and didnt believe this at all. Controlling your dreams by listening to fuzz? yea right. Then half way though my arms felt like they were under my back, but they were on top of my stomach. three times during the dose i kinda became like.. paralyzed. only for two seconds or so, like i couldnt swallow. After it was done i said "some crappy placebo effects" and went to sleep.

This morning i woke up with my eyes feeling like they were gonna pop out of my sockets, (the feeling your eyes get after a bad nightmare), and i rememberd something werid last night but idk what it is.

That was my first experince. Nothing too crazy, but still werid. Im still skeptical.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 7:27 pm
by moltisante87
Man this was some crazy shit. I tryed it a couple times first and it didnt work. So then i went out and bought some new headphones and Took the cocain dose and it really messed me up. It just hit me right after it started and after 1 min it got so strong i had to cancel it crazy hehe :shock:

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:58 pm
by Mr Mucha
Ok so heres an update from me.
Dose #2= Mary Jane:
Ok so with Mary I was completely concentrating on the noise. I had the same side effects as last time. Face was warm and flushed and couldnt move. But this time there was a lot of spinning. I was at first sinking, I felt like I was sinking into my bed, and then while I was sinking I started spinning, the spinning went on for a bit and was goin faster and faster. I was trying to concentrate on the noise, I was alternating between the beeping and the static. I had my eyes closed. Now I think I fell asleep but I'm not sure. Nothing too special with this one, but still had the spinninng and sinking which was a pretty cool feeling. Also at the end, I was warm the whole time and then got chills and became really cold. Before I knew it I was done.

Edit: My friend just mentioned to me which I didnt notice, after I was really mellow, I didnt notice it till he told me, but yea everything is calm and slow and mellow still am. My eyes are calm. Interesting.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:20 pm
by Mr Mucha
Dose #3: Cocaine(Partial)
Ok this one I only got about halfway through, cause stupid me had my AIM open and my friend kept iming me. But even halfway throught it, I woke up and my heart was beating really fast, and even now while I type this I feel energized, and that was only halfway, crazy shit prob if I did the whole thing. I will retry this again in the coming nights.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:34 pm
by Brad
sounds the I-Doser works for you and it sounds like you are having a good time a+

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 8:38 pm
by Mr Mucha
Oh you bet, I regret to admit it, but I think I am an I-Doser addict. :cool:

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:02 am
by Brad
hah, me too man althoguh ive been mellow on the doses now other then like i was last week

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:58 pm
by Mr Mucha
Which one works the best for you Brad?

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:48 pm
by Mr Mucha
Dose #4: Divinorum
Ok so here is my fourth dose, now not many trippy things happened. Yet I am feeling pretty weird right now. While I was taking it, I fell asleep and woke up a few times. In the middle of taking it, I saw many circles, circles everywhere, I felt that my room was one big circle. Also there was a point where my legs just started walking, it was a good thing I was laying down, but my legs just kept moving like they wanted to walk somewhere. Right now my head feels very heavy like one big rock. Everything looks very bright to me. I can feel something different, but I can't explain it. This one touched deeper on the inside, then on trippy side effects. Yet another succesful dose! :cool:

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:22 am
by chico
My first experience was with "cocaine" dose.
The only thing I experienced was that at the very end of the 30 mins dose, I was like dizzy and i felt like a salty flavour in my mouth (like when you are about to throw up).. but nothing besides that (it was like 30 seconds)

I cant really tell if it was a placebo effect.
Oh.. and i did that dose like at 00:30 in the morning, and at 4:00 AM I went to sleep and I just couldn't sleep... i don't know why but it took me a looooong time to get asleep.

I'll try another dose some day this week and I'll share the experience again.

I'm still skeptical too.


Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 9:16 pm
by Mr Mucha
Yea chico it could have been in your head, but maybe not. Maybe that was your first step to opening your mind to this stuff. Try some Opium that stuff is crazy! :cool:

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:26 pm
by Mr Mucha
Dose #5: Nitrous
Ok so this one was an experiment, I wanted to see how the doses worked sitting in my chair instead of laying down and having my eyes open. Ok since I was expermenting I didnt get the full effect, but I got enough. I first sat there with my monitor off eyes open just staring at my desk, then I closed my eyes, and then I opened them again. So I was even more distracted opening and closing my eyes, but even after all these I still had a reaction. I thought "Hell, it was only 10 min and I distracted myself", but still I had an effect. When I took them off, I thought nothing happened, but I felt werid. This one you really cant explain but something was deffinetly not normal with me. Im sure if I would have done this laying down with my eyes closed like I always do, it would have worked crazy. Another succesful dose. :evil:

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:28 pm
by Brad
again man sounds like your doing good with i doser

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:27 am
by LordofX
I just tryed my first dose, i tryed Opium, I got very similar effects to Mr Mucha, this stuffs pretty cool im actually impressed with it,

P.S. does anyone now how long u should wait inbetween doses?