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First Love

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:18 am
by soul
Hey, guys I'm new to dosing. Last night, I decided to try First Love because I read SadLittlePony's review.

I was pretty skeptical about this at first but with my experience last night, I'm pretty sure I can have an awesome time here. I love to read all the journals here because it gives me hope that I will have a crazy experience one day.

While dosing to First Love I felt so delighted like I was on a cloud just laying there. I recall my hands twitched, and I was like whoa. :shock: I just keep taking pleasure in my happiness and eventually went to sleep. I know I had dreams, but I couldn't recollect them because I was in a rush to get to school.

I'm falling in love, and I can't wait to buy more doses. I'm going to give First Love another chance tonight.

Re: First Love

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:26 am
by Nick420
hah,nice review!
good to see that somebody is posting new things,keep up! ;)

Re: First Love

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:24 pm
by LucidGamer
I was tempted to try this one after reading her review, but I haven't yet. I may just try now because I like that whole laying on a cloud feeling (: Thanks for this review!