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Gates of hades strongest experience, (2nd time)

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 5:43 am
by MrClax1227
So I just got into dosing, and I decided to try gates of hades as my first dose, bad idea. Really nothing happened the first time besides laying there and then throwing my headphones across the room because of a sudden mind-blowingly loud screeching sound. So no effect. The second time however.... I tried sitting in a recliner.. Which Is what I think to be a major factor for The stronger effect. That.. And actually being prepared for the screeching sound. My experience with gates of hades (2nd) : at first my fingers had little twitches here and there.. Pretty much that's it as it was gradually working through the dose. Then around five minutes before the twenty one minute mark (screech) all of a sudden it felt just like an earthquake. Except no destruction. It felt like my whole house was shaking uncontrollably. (This was probably due to the fact that my friends said my head started shaking almost violently. Awhile after I started the dose) then it slowly faded away... And was completely gone right before the screech. At first the screech makes me blink uncontrollably underneath my eyelids very rapidly as all my facial muscles contract at once. I was not in control. As all this is happening my wrists bent up and my fingers were trying (with ALOT of force) to make a fist. But they just got to a certain point then jumped right back to where they started. All out of sync. That again slowly faded away. Until a deep almost mechanical whirring, like from some far away alien spacecraft, started and calmed me down... Until it finally ended. Those effects were only during the dose. I had some longer lasting effects afterwards too. The room was 89° when I started the dose, (and I'm a bit fat, so I was almost hot here) when I was finished with the dose I was instantly freezing. Cold enough to shake uncontrollably, (the temp of the room never changed) I was extremely paranoid, afraid, alert, hyper, I almost couldn't even allow myself to blink, I couldn't stop examining everything I could, because I was paranoid something was going to happen, when my friends tried talking to me I was very VERY spaced out.. & oh yeah. Everything I heard just echoed upon itself. Everything I heard sounded underwater and echoey, that lasted for only about five minutes, all the other after effects I just mentioned to a full hour to wear away. I hope this helps your decision in buying this dose, :] reply's about your experiences are greatly appreciated!! :D I typed this on my phone so please excuse any typos I may have...

Re: Gates of hades strongest experience, (2nd time)

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:33 pm
by l4d_hunter
I tricked my brother into doing gates... I told him it was the acid dose.. and afterward he reported seeing his hands growing longer and feeling extremely heavy and if I recall his arms were raising up during the dose... then when I did it I apparently fell asleep... but the crazy thing? I was fully aware I was asleep... I couldnt move all I could hear is bro scuffling around and the rest of the dose