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More QuickHits, shortened doses, and extras (please read)

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:01 pm
by SpaceMiNd
Hey guys, SpaceMiNd here with a couple requests, I believe we need some doses shortened so us dosers and future dosers that have been gifted with short attention spans can concentrate, I know this may be time consuming, but I honestly believe that if you guys can do it (and I know you guys can, you guys are amazing) may users will buy it and give positive reviews , positive reviews means more people will want to try it, and that means more money :D The way you guys can get more money, is by just simply shortening the long doses like Marijuana and hash, (the two commonly bought doses) to around 30-35 minutes while keeping the original, intended effects ( getting high) and post it up. So, how about I-Doser? Want to shorten some doses :D
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd

Re: More QuickHits, shortened doses, and extras (please read

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:52 pm
by LucidGamer
THey have quick-hits for Hash & MaryJ I'm not sure if you have tried them, and I don't know if they could shorten doses without reworking them to an extent since they build you up to that state of mind. Their quick hits are 10-15 minutes Id assume
Hash: ... cts_id=236

MaryJ: ... cts_id=237

And they have many other QH does. Shortening the original DRG's might be possible, but they may also be focused on more interesting, and newer doses as well as their IOS & Android Apps. If you haven't tried their current QH doses you may want to check them out since they should have the desired effects, but some say it is harder to get into trance with quick hits if you are less experienced with Binaurals!
Goodluck SpaceMind!

Re:shortened doses (please read)

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:13 pm
by SpaceMiNd
I understand they made QuickHits, but I want something longer and stronger than that, without being 45 minutes long.
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd