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I-Doser help please!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:52 pm
by Derpina123
so I'm trying to break through. I've used the marijuana qh several times, cokain qh aswell as the hash qh.

The things I've felt yet is that my eyelocks were twitching when I used marijuana qh. also my legs got a lil warm and even tho my eyes were closed I could see like circles.

I'm using the razer charcarias headset. Is this headset good enough sound quality or would apple earphones be better?

Is there anything you would recomend for beginners to breakthrough with? anything that is easy to get affected by.

Thanks in advance!

Re: I-Doser help please!

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 9:31 pm
by ngphil22
Stay away from Apple earphones, the cheapest headphones or earphones that get good results are skullcandys. I use the inkd earphones, and I get great results. and they are right around $20

Re: I-Doser help please!

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:25 am
by ngphil22
Hey, I read some posts on the internet about making binaural breakthroughs, and I learned that when you are beginning, it helps to count backwards from a large number, like 1000. Eventually it will become second nature, and you may start repeating numbers without realizing it. That is OK, just let it go. It simply means you are entering a trance. Also, when you are a beginner, stay away from the Quick hits. Stick to the longer sessions, as you have more time to enter the trance state of mind. This seems to help me out with Dosing. also, stay away from poor quality headphones. Price and quality do not always coincide, so I will not be specifically stating what price range is the best, but usually the more expensive headphones are the better ones, but not always. I got some headphones from radioshack that cost me 40$ or so, and they work perfect. Stay away from bass boosting, surround sound effect, or other enhancing effects when picking headphones. Noise cancelling is not the best idea, either. Just regular over-ear high-def headphones with a large tonal range (about 20-10,000 hertz range) and no sound enhancing effects work best.

Happy dosing,
