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*peaks in*

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:43 pm
by Fallingheadfirst
Hi all,

Im Jess, and im new to this thing.. i actually came across i dosers today, tried a quick one out and fell in love.
so im hoping to get very involved in this community :)

Oh, my basics..
20, Canada, female, Biochem major desperately in need of relaxation

Re: *peaks in*

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:41 am
by jaredliles2000
Welcome to I-Doser, Jess! Believe you me, the more you Dose, the more in love you will fall. I've only been Dosing for a few weeks and I'm already head-over-heels :)
Be sure to soak up all the free doses I-Doser offers and don't forget to post up your experiences and any questions you might have. Everyone here is very helpful if you have any questions, and we are all inspired by the experiences of others :nod:

Re: *peaks in*

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:00 am
by LucidGamer
Welcome to you both then ! I agree post regularly and ask questions! Also the first few days I spent my time using that search box on the top right of the forum, and that helped me read up on doses other people had written experiences on, and made picking my first few paid doses that much easier to decide on, but now that my Library is growing I am in desperate need of posting my own experiences ! If you're looking for help picking a dose and want to have full blown message wars don't forget to ask people for their favorites! Depending on the day of the week, or who is on at the time you may get suggestions you would have never thought about getting on your own. Either way good luck to you both and hope to see you around the forum!

Re: *peaks in*

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:15 pm
by jaredliles2000
Thanks for the welcome, Lucid. I've decimated the forums! :) Still poring over it when i can for more info, but I'm a bit of a reader/researcher when it comes to new things anyway.
I might be a ways from getting new doses, I'm trying to get clockwork results from the freebies i have so far.
Always interested in hearing techniques and experiences, though, so ya'll keep em comin! :-D

Re: *peaks in*

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:49 pm
by RPC123