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Gamma Ray Burst

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:43 pm
by ngphil22
A gamma ray burst is a burst of gamma radiation released during a type-2 supernova. If one were to occur near the planet Earth, almost all life would vanish within a period of about 1-2 months. The first sign would be a surplus of ultraviolet radiation piercing the ozone layer, and in a period of about 10 or so seconds, it would have depleted a quarter of the planet's ozone. Reports of skin cancer and radiation poisoning and radiation-related deaths would skyrocket, crops would fail worldwide, a severe sunburn would be almost inevitable. The atmosphere would darken as the cosmic radiation would cause oxygen and nitrogen atoms to combine, creating nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, poisoning the air we breathe. The darkening of the sky would create a global winter, called a cosmic winter effect, which would completely deplete the rest of the ozone layer, exposing the world to the radiation of the universe. Life would completely end.

If I-Doser could create a dose that produces psychological effects that could make one feel as if this phenomenon was actually happening, or at least something similar, it would be an excellent experience for people who enjoy pain and fear. I-Doser, if you guys could try this one and make it really hit hard, I would be forever impressed!

Happy dosing,