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Divinorum (iOS/Android application)

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:21 pm
by ngphil22
This dose has very interesting music, kinda like techno/DnB and abstract music. My legs felt EXTREMELY heavy, like they weighed more than the Earth itself, and that they would fly through my bed and towards the center of the planet, and i had a weird tingling throughout my body. The euphoria afterwards was unimaginable, and all i wanted to do (and all I did) for about 5 minutes after the dose is lay there and enjoy it. Everything I looked at had the color of deep purple, and I had extremely clear thoughts. This is a definitely must try for any doser. If I could rate it, I give it a 10 out of 10.

Happy dosing,

Re: Divinorum (iOS/Android application)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:37 pm
by Dynasty
yeah i completely agree with you. Divinorum was the first successful dose i ever tried. except gates of hades but that crackling effect it has would fuck the mind of almost anyone haha. Anyways, divinorum i use it because it puts me in this trance mood and the music in the background is just amazing. i have the app for itouch. good thing it worked for you!! :)