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Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:42 pm
by RPC123
I had a little idea for a dose called frostbite.
I'm thinking the effects could be like your alone in a cold wilderness, Symptoms such as a coldness, Tingling, possibly even loneliness, and other effects like your out alone in the winter in the woods, Any other Ideas?
Re: Idea-Frostbite
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 9:15 pm
by ngphil22
Seems like people are really wanting negative effect doses recently. Why?
Re: Idea-Frostbite
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:19 pm
by SadLittlePony
I love the idea, I have been victim to just about every winter related injury. I grew up in someplace cold. Now I would change it a bit though. Hypothermia. Suffering and enduring prolonged exposure to the cold, symptoms include painful cold clammy skin, hunger, naussia. Now like you said the feeling of being alone, the feeling of emptiness. Just as you are about to give up you hit true blue hypothermia, You feel joyful, warm, satisfied. You have no more worries.
I love the cold idea but to me hypo seems a little more fun as a dose than frostbite :/
The reason these extreme doses are becoming popular? Look around you. People are amazing. Every day people, us, human kind test and push the limits. We continue to move further and further and we are quite possibly the most fragile creatures alive. Physical limits are not where we stop, we move into mental and spiritual development. Things that are extreme are a thrill to humans. Whether its moral or not people are going to do the impossible. We are the next generation of humanity. Lets set the bar for those who come after us.