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Finally getting effects after 4 months of trying

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:50 am
by Oswald
Sometime in late November I heard of I-doser, it sounded really cool after some research so I got the app for my iPod. I laid down expecting immediate effects from the "Hand of God" dose, but had none. I had blamed my skullcandy earbuds, I didn't have over ear headphones. My mind was far from clear, I later learned how to clear my mind or at least focus on the song without thought. I tried "Hand of God" two or three times a week to no avail, but every time I tried I got better at focusing my mind.
Just five days ago I was at my friend's house playing video games, when night fell my friends decided to watch "Bridesmaids" for the third time. I found a pitch black room to go sleep in, I laid down and just before I went to sleep I said to myself, "This room is perfect for a dose" so I whipped out my iPod and decided to try "White Crosses" I then employed a technique I used when I was sleepy to not fall asleep during the dose: I started counting down from 1000 as fast as I possibly could. At around 860 I had my very first effect, a ring of dark blues and purples surrounded the center of my vision, the tides of this hallucination washed inward and outward towards the center of my vision corresponding with my breaths. My first thought was that I was having a migraine (I had been in front of screens all day and I didn't expect anything to happen), so I got up and unplugged myself. The hallucination was gone almost instantly. I rejoiced because now after months of NOTHING it finally worked. Just last night I listened to "White Crosses" again and experiences muscle twitches all over my body.
I am very excited that I had effects from that dose and was wondering if anyone has had any sort of similar amount of time spent waiting, and if anyone who has also had effects with "White Crosses" could recommend any other doses.

This is my first time on the forum!

Re: Finally getting effects after 4 months of trying

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:56 am
by Legalize It
Welcome ;), and, congrats :D :D :eek: !!!

Re: Finally getting effects after 4 months of trying

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:35 am
by sweeneyreloaded
Yeah I can totally relate, I was having some troubles trying to get I-Doser to work but then tonight I was online with a friend and did the PCP dose and totally just zoned and it was crazy. I think how fast it works depends on how fast you can get into a deep state of meditation. :shock:

Re: Finally getting effects after 4 months of trying

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:39 am
by ngphil22
I had a similar problem, but I found that counting backwards from 2000 with 30 minute sessions, counting backwards from 3000 for 45 minute sessions, and 1000 for the iPhone application sessions makes the effect a thousand times stronger than before. That was my breakthrough. Give it a try. It works for some, but not for others. It is normal to start repeating numbers when you start entering a trance. You may notice you are repeating numbers, but just let it go, and keep counting numbers that feel natural. It works wonders for me.