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I think I might have found the problem...

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:16 pm
by Technofreak13
OK Sorry to keep posting but I've been dosing for about 2 years now and still haven't had effects :/ I just tried again and noticed something that happens a lot. I'll be laying there, relaxing and concentrating on the dose when suddenly I'll startle myself awake. I apparently fall asleep and then wake up suddenly and notice I have a really fast heart rate so clearly it startled me. I've read countless guides on here and other sites about meditation and still can't get results. So don't just post generic things, if you have something unusual that helps you that not many people do, please post it. But I've read up on just about everything I can and REALLY want some results here. Is there a way to keep myself from falling asleep but stay relaxed? I've noticed this happening quite frequently so I really hope this is the problem and it's fixable. If anyone could give me some insight/help here, I would greatly appreciate it :)

Re: I think I might have found the problem...

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 7:43 pm
by ngphil22
Have you tried counting backwards from 1000 in your head? Counting backwards from one thousand puts you in a semi-awake trance that causes you to repeat numbers without realizing it. it also keeps you from falling asleep. Perfect for dosing, or to keep you awake.