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Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 12:14 am
by Mandi420
I wanna talk about my experiences. I started to hear about B.Bs and I doser a few years ago when my yoga partner suggested I try them for better meditation states. I started researching all the info I could before I could admit myself to spend money on it, I am just cheap like that I guess.
So after doing my due diligence I got the pc version and bought some doses.
I started off with Marijauna because honestly I have enough experience with it to be aware of the effects of the dose. I also made sure it was a day I hadn't been medicating at home. I set up my room to be comfortable and relaxing as if I were going to do a meditation. I allowed my myself enough time to get in the trance state and then started the dose.
30 minutes later..... NOTHING
Boy was I bummed but not turned off to try again as I have read lots of these forums for tips . Since many of you say that you may have to try a few times to get any results. So I got reset and condition to go along with peyote . I have also heard this is a good mind blowing dose.
So last night again I decide to dose. I send the dogs and huby to the bed room so I could use the living room couch instead of my bed this time. I first meditated to get in the zone and then started the condtion dose and followed it with peyote. This was almost and hour worth of doses. With a clear relaxed mind and no expectations to live up to I dosed.
50 minutes later....... NOTHING BUT A HEADACHE
So even tho I am a little upset that nothing is happening and that I still have the worst migraine ever I started rereading all the tips and how to dose FAQ's to make sure I had not missed anything when I came across some pain relief doses and got those.
oxy, anti-migraine and antistesia
So when the hubby left work tonight I decided to give it the old college try one last time.
I went with the couch again and started with oxy followed by anti-migraine. Another 50 minutes or so of BB's on my pounding skull and guess what.... nothing.
So now I'm a little stressed and have this one dose left. Anestisia .
I really wanted to get on this forum and share so I took a dose break and begain to type when the dose started to play in the background and before I noticed it my tv sounds were bloked out by the dose and I was very into this post. Then the reality that my headache had not just gone away but just disappeared, vanished and even the memory of the headache I had endured for 2 days was gone :)
But that's not where the story ends. I have writing this forum while listening to my dose , in the light cross legged with the tv on (but drowned out now) and having the best experience and I know this was a long post sorry but I have a lot to say and now some extra to add.
My body feels like I in fact have gotten a small real dose of anesthesia . I feel groggy and relaxed and even have the strong urge to smoke a cigarette like if I had just woken up. The air and spae around me seems to be filled some small visual tracers and light fritters. My mouth and throat are dry and have that weird drugged sensation. Wow. Turned a skeptic into a believer.
So what started out as a Negative Post was swiftly changed into a Positive one in just the time it took me to write the post lol. Hope to hear back from you :) :finger:

Re: Experience

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 2:00 am
by SpaceMiNd
It took me 6 months to finally get I-Doser to work, glad to see it worked for you. I would also recommend A-Bomb if you are looking for a good beginner dose
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd