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Oh Shit!
Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:19 am
by ER202
About ten minutes ago i thought to myself "lets do hand of god." i got into comfy clothes, laid down, got cozy, and let it play. 1min in and I'm all relaxed....then the static hits. I jumped HARD. I had to play music to slow my jumping heart.....but even then i was still scared half to death. Is it just me or does every one feel this way? Im still scared to do it again aha
Re: Oh Shit!
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:54 am
by StealthTheUnknown
What you have is probably a knockoff/prank. i hear this a lot when I talk to people who say they have tried it. I use hand of god every now and then, and I never hear any unusual sounds, like the extremely loud static you describe. I can tell you that, yes, $200 is a bit pricy, especially for a product that is not guaranteed to work, as a part of a program that explores a field of scientific study that is still really early in it's infancy, as well as extremely experimental, but the dose is worth the money if it works for you. I have had amazing results, but that is all I am going to say about that. The rest is up to you to find out. Save up a little cash, and enjoy the experience.
And by the way, when I said the technology is in it's infancy, i was referring to binaural beats as a method of brain entrainment. Binaural beats themselves were discovered even before penicillin, but were only regarded at the time as an auditory illusion, and the technology was originally inspired by monaural beats, with the idea that the same effect could be produced if the two tones could be isolated to individual ears. Do a little research on these things, it will help your understanding of this company and their intent.