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Thought of an intresting one.

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:10 pm
by mackingster
Here sweating in my hot house. It came to me. A dose the makes you feel like you are freezing or cold. Now that could me a fun mind screw.

Re: Thought of an intresting one.

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:11 pm
by Progarbageman
Can you explain it a bit more?

Re: Thought of an intresting one.

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:28 am
by StealthTheUnknown
Well, if you are referring to the tactile sensation of "cold", like ice or winter wind, then I do not see how that really could be simulated very well, as our tactile senses are not prone to altering or depending on brainwaves. The same goes with heat, hard to simulate. You could, however, get a mental response similar to extreme cold, slowly decreasing brainwaves as if your mind were "freezing". You probably would not recieve a legitemate "cold" sensation (unless you experience a placebo effect), but your mind might initiate a survival instinct to deal with the drop in brainwave activity. If the session is properly set up, I could imagine it causing negative stimulation and possibly extreme panic.