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How to properly listen Doses in mobile application

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:12 am
by power5451
Hello all, I bought
i- doser for android and almost nothing on me does not work. Some yes but weakly .I've done everything necessary for the proper functioning Doses still do not know how to listen .
I rather listen to binaural tones or music? The logic of things, I think that if I focus on one, the other will do in his subconscious function. So far I am confused and during recording "skipping" of binaural tones, music, and vice versa. What should I focus on? Please advise me.

Re: How to properly listen Doses in mobile application

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:14 pm
by AndrewLK87

I use the mobile app for idoser. I have found that I do not get visual hallucinations (except once for a split second in Aftermath) but that it influences my energy/vibration and physical waves pass through my body, different for different tracks. My advice would be (1) make sure you have good over the ear headphones that play audio in the ranges of 20-20khz or greater. (2) do not worry which you focus on, the vibration or the audio file. Mainly try to empty your "monkey mind". That being said, one method to do this is to focus on either your breathing or the continual tone of the music, but don't worry if you lose the tone or track of your breathing; the purpose is to use this as a tool to eliminate unnecessary thoughts from your mind and be replaced by the feeling. As one of the Jedis say: "Feel, don't think." (I forget which one lol). Hopefully this helps, that is what I do and it works. Oh and also, practice!! It's fun even if you only get a little effect on one song maybe on a different track you'll get a whole different effect. And ALSO IMPORTANT is use Condition before every dose; this turns each dose into 30 minutes instead of 15. During condition I experience physical facial twitching for the most part but I feel it readies the individual for the more "wild" dose after.