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Better than Heroin? Neuroin Review

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 3:47 pm
by nudelus
Hey guys, I just wanted to share my latest experience with Neuroin (Mp3). I`ve tried this one before, but this time I had the strongest effects I ever got from this Dose. I changed my setup, instead of closing my eyes, I decided to play the Mp3 through Media Monkey and turn on some Visualisations. Damn these are really pretty, never tried them but they are awesome. They put me in a state of complete trance, and the Dose, I`m still on, was hitting me pretty good.
The first thing I like about this one, is that you get, after some tries, almost an instant effect when you hit play. This Dose comes fast and pretty hard this time, after hitting play I was instantly wired and felt a feeling coming from my legs and waving slowly through my entire body. The feeling was like a clean warming feeling, a littlebit hard to describe. Compared to Heroin, it isnt warming you in a heatfull way, you just get very happy and feel a nice warm feeling in you body, but you don`t have a couchlock -because your`e feeling very clean in your mind. But you can chill on this one for sure, It´s pretty enjoyable. You get a feeling of perfect hapiness, while your mind feels a bit similiar to the NZT Dose, which I´m reviewing soon, because your thoughts are very clear and fast, you now what to do and how to do it. I`m writing this text and I`m not going to correct it, because I just wanna show you what you can write while on Neuroin without much thinking. Your thoughts are fast and ready to go, you mostly don`t think about much because it`s already there. The mind high, is pretty amazing, but the bodyfeeling takes Heroin and wipes the floor with it. Damn this stuff is intense. While coming up very fast, it still last 2-3 hours or even more if you smoked something, like I did before listening to the Dose. Beeing high always takes me in the perfect mood for Dosing. You can feel some Energy with this, while beeing very awake, but you should be aware of listening to 2 Mp3 Doses, because I did it with a 5 min delay, and I got knocked out for 3 or 4 hours :) The bodyfeeling gives you perfect joy and it waves through your whole body while giving you the feeling of beeing under electricity :) I would really recommend this one for you all, give it some tries because you will see how powerfull it is. Compared to Heroin I think you can`t really compare them because Neuroin is so much more intense and more fun. Your`e capable of doing thing but you can also chill and relax. Music sound nice and the lights get more colorfull. I`m really high at the moment, feel like I`m drifting through the outer sphere, so I´m sorry for any mistakes in this text, but I`m from Germany and I try to train my english because it ain`t perfect yet.


Re: Better than Heroin? Neuroin Review

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:22 am
by StealthTheUnknown
Sie kommen aus Deutschland? Ich auch! :D aus Baden-Württemberg.

Sorry for those of you who do not speak German. I just get excited when I see someone from my home land.

Re: Better than Heroin? Neuroin Review

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:30 pm
by nudelus
Hey, schön zu hören dass ich nicht der Einzige bin. Ich wohne in Rheinland-Pfalz :)
How old are you? I`m 19.


Re: Better than Heroin? Neuroin Review

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 10:19 pm
by StealthTheUnknown
Ich bin 34 jahre alt, Michael. Mein name ist David =D

I think I will stop typing German. This forum is probably not for that. Off topic might be better.

Re: Better than Heroin? Neuroin Review

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:54 pm
by nudelus
Yep, propablly it is :) You should really try the dose and tell me how it was.
