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Falling asleep while dosing?

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 2:29 am
by thedukeofcanada
Hi guys so lately I've been using the I-doser premium application for my iPhone and today i was listening to "Snow" (cocaine) and i just fell asleep but this isn't the first time that i've fallen asleep while dosing though. when i go to dose i approach it by relaxing the same way i would when going to bed, which does help me a little bit but i ususally dont get any effects.. the only doses that worked for me are
-french roast
-Sleeping Angel
note: i have only been doing them for a month lately so i am quite inexperienced and my "routine" is basically i turn off all the lights when im in the right mood for dosing and then i get set up in my bed with my eye mask and headphones, which are high quality gaming headphones so they should work fine, and then i just kinda relax a bit then i turn on the beat and just listen. One problem i have though i focusing on the beat. so i need a few techniques. thanks and happy holidays. :D

Re: Falling asleep while dosing?

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:11 pm
by brunoc14
Ok doge, this is simple. Just try to dose when you're perfectly awake, for example...after you take your breakfast, it's a great time to do it !

Re: Falling asleep while dosing?

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 5:19 pm
by thedukeofcanada
alright well thx and will do

Re: Falling asleep while dosing?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:58 pm
by triplord
For longer doses like an hour or even longer (6 hours XBomb dose) its okay to fall asleep!