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Best doses for new

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:10 pm
by jesperj536
Hey, i'm kinda new to i-doses and i'm pretty scared of it.
So i wonder, what is the best doses for new people, also i'm kinda young so dont say like the weirdest one.
And i want to try the orgasm but i wonder if it does any effects after i done it :oops:
Also, as i said i'm kinda new to this so dont be mad if it is any stupid questions.


Re: Best doses for new

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:22 pm
by NightTerror2213
First of all welcome to i-doser as for beginner doses i first felt effects with marijuana, a-bomb, demerol, nitrous, and cocaine. and no doses don't have any harmful after effects you may still feel some effects after the dose has ended but those are temporary i would also recommend reset and condition to help you out. sorry if my english is bad.

Re: Best doses for new

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:35 am
by jesperj536
Thank you, what does condition do?

Re: Best doses for new

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 5:20 pm
by NightTerror2213
Condition / Brain Conditioner / 20 Minutes

Many have asked for a dose that will get your brain open and alert, and in the best optimum condition for taking any of our other doses. We have spent a long time perfecting this dose. Take Condition before taking any other dose in our expansive library, and it will prepare your brain to accept the dose more openly. Users have reported a ten percent increase in the effectiveness of doses when they are taken after our Condition dose.
most people find that listening to condition before taking there other dose increases the effects.

Best doses for new

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 1:45 pm
by kamikazeattacks
Try listening Moderate and Semi-Moderate doses. They work for almost everyone who starts the adventure with I-Doser. Don't start with Strong or Very Strong doses. :)