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My Divinorum Experiment

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 5:35 pm
by CopperComb
I have been toying with iDosers and binaural beats for a little while, but this is the first iDoser that really impressed me (thus, I came here to talk about it). I still consider myself a novice user. I am able to immerse quickly, but sometimes I lose it right when I become a part of the flow. To me, immersing into a dose is just like moving towards an orgasm---you cannot lose concentration or you have to start building it back all over again. (It may be different for you, but that is what it is like for me)

I purchased Divinorum two weeks ago and my most vivid experience with it was after prepping with Condition and immediately streaming Divinorum afterwards. Overall---I would say that Divinorum is a very pleasant experience and...different. Divinorum has given me the most intense visualizations I have had with any iDose I have tried.

If you are curious and haven't tried Divinorum yet,
here are the effects I have experienced during my doses:

Closed and open eye visualizations - Monochromatic tunneling in alternating rings, throbbing light pulses that went pastel, dripping swaths of color that moved like a lava lamp
Temporal fracturing - It felt like time slowed to a stop and then sped up
Mild and short lived paranoia - There was a point where I was convinced there was someone standing in my room beside my bed. I was home alone and my doors were locked. It wasn't fear, just an awareness of another presence.
Body lightness - At times I felt like I was rising or being pulled out of my body, and it happened immediately before or during Short periods of a strong head high that comes in waves throughout the dose.

Post dose effects:
Light feeling that has persisted for as long as 45 minutes.
Benadryl/Ambien-like tingly waves last for around 20 minutes (this has happened to me during a deep immersion while in the middle of a dose too).
Slight pupil dilation lasting several minutes post dose.
Slight light sensitivity lasting around 10 minutes
Creative thinking enhanced.
Color intensity is EXTREMELY magnified, primary colors, pink and greens are intensely vivid.
A sense of being unburdened, calm, and at peace.

Now, having noticed similarities over several doses, and knowing that something changed in the way my brain was reacting after dosing, I dosed this morning, and decided to perform an experiment to see if my signature (something that I know stays consistent) changed with my brainwave synch immediately before with a normal wave and after a Divinorum iDose under my altered wave status. I am a curious and observant cat by nature.

Here is the interesting (if not hilarious) result, the red arrow is my sig before and the green arrow is my sig after. As you can see from all the green arrows, I was compelled to doodle because I felt like I had to illustrate how I felt at the time. I was totally within my mental faculties, but I felt connected to...just everything--my brain, my body, my surroundings.

I would recommend Divinorum for anyone to try if you haven't before.

Edit (corrected an autocorrect typo, stupid phone)

Re: My Divinorum Experiment

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:34 pm
by Misanthrope-187
That's a well written post my friend. I have been dosing at least once a day for the past three weeks and have only had a few breakthroughs I get effects every time I dose I just haven't had any profound experience yet. I'm thinking I really need to purchase Condition it'll probably help. But that sounds pretty awesome in all honesty it sounds a lot like what I have experienced while smoking salvia. So I am definitely going to purchase this dose sometime today and I think I'll give it a go tonight. Once again great post Copper :)