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Alcohol: A good dose to start with

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:50 am
by ColdWindPhoenix
Hello, I am new to dosing and so far I have tried a couple. However, I thought I would do a review of the Alcohol dose. It seems to take me a few tries to get any dose to work, and alcohol was no different. The beginning portion of the dose is similar to other dosses as though it is a preparatory section in order to get your brain ready to receive the dose. When it finally got to the portion that I believe was what gives the sensations of alcohol I noticed that it almost sounded like the tones were rotating. Which I imagine gives your head a dizzy feeling which is probably the alcohol experience. I have now done this does a few times with varying strengths. From nothing at all to feeling something, but not sure if that is what I'm feeling all the way to having dosed twice back to back and getting a very strong drunk feeling(yes they did add together.) I would recommend this dose as a first dose to newbies because most people have been drunk and it is easy to tell that the dose is indeed working. And if it doesn't work the first time don't give up you might get it next time. Good Luck and enjoy.

Re: Alcohol: A good dose to start with

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 2:47 pm
by CiceroCinnamon
I've just started dosing, and alcohol was decent. Didn't feel much afterwards, but during my brain was "floating" And by just started, i mean yesterday i bought the app xD