TripQH Pretty Nice Dose

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TripQH Pretty Nice Dose

Post by PlugAndPlay »

So it wasn't too long ago that our group was on a field trip to a destination almost 2 hours away. So we had the idea of doing QH doses on the way there. My ideal dose was shrooms, seeing as I love psychedelics ( I've used LSA once but i overdosed and ended up in the ICU...Crazy trip. But after that i decided to find a safe high and thats how i found idoser! thanks again idoser if i didn't have you i may be back in the ICU :lol: )

Anyway I put on my headphones turned on the dose on relaxed then closed my eyes. About two minutes in i had a recolection of the night i overdosed and got scared ( PTSD? ) SO I TOOK OFF MY HEADPHONES AND I NOTICED THAT EVERYBODY SOUNDED LIKE FUCKING ROBOTS! it was pretty cool but for some reason i was scared out of my mind so i didnt get to finish... but i will soon! :D
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Re: TripQH Pretty Nice Dose

Post by OvrDose »

Really interesting. Proof you don't always need to finish a dose! Like my experience with DXM, around 4-5 minutes in it was really kicking in. Enough for me to stop the dose and still get nice after effects.
Sadly, I don't have TripQH but my friend taht I plan on seeing today does. Will try it and respond with what happens!
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Re: TripQH Pretty Nice Dose

Post by PlugAndPlay »

I actually really enjoyed your DXM review! I own the dose ( as well as basically every other except desox, poppers, dila, nbomb ) but i havent tried it yet. But i really hope to! so thanks again for the comment and the excellent review :D
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Re: TripQH Pretty Nice Dose

Post by OvrDose »

Thanks! I'm making what's like a bucket list for doses to try. Number 1: Trip/TripQH. Also, what's LSA and what's it like? Only drugs I've done is PCP(Didn't know I did PCP til after. It was in my friends weed), Weed, and DXM. Doing Shrooms this Friday or Saturday with 2 friends. Can't wait!

EDIT--- Friend just showed up. We are both about to dose! I'm doing TripQH and he hasn't decided. :P
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Re: TripQH Pretty Nice Dose

Post by PlugAndPlay »

LSA (lysergic acid amide) is a hallucinogen similar to LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) only about 10x less potent. It is recreationally used for its intense body high and for its visual and auditory effects.

I took a heroic dose that almost killed me and i wish the pain i went through upon nobody and i do not by any means condone the use of LSA... LSD is ok, LSD wont kill you... LSA will!

I took 20 hawaiian baby woodrose seeds and after about 2 hours i felt sedated like the feeling you get before going to bed after a long day. i rode my bike home and when i got home my pupils were huge, i couldnt walk straight, and i kept hearing helecopters... the paranoia was so intense i wasnt sure i could survive. I frantically looked up an antidote. but found nothing. i thought i would just sleep it off. but after two minutes the CEV's were too intense and my body felt as if i was being bent and being tied in a knot. I remember trying to pukeup the seeds but nothing cae up and eventualy i was just too scared. i told my mother what happened and she took me to the ER where i had the most intense hallucinations. i was in the waiting room crying my ass off ( LSA intensifies emotions ) then i closed my eyes and the whole room became a forest. there was bamboo and shit everywhere and it was scary. then the shapes kicked in... and then the kalidescope visuals. My resting heart rate was about 160... They sent me to a pediatric ICU by ambulance. I thought i would die from a stroke or heart attack. and so did the doctors...

If you wanna experience a PLEASURABLE LSA trip i highly recommend the Morningglory track. it was awesome!
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Re: TripQH Pretty Nice Dose

Post by OvrDose »

So, do you just chew them up or... And assuming you can get them at a place like Lowe's and stuff, how many should one eat for a nice mellow high that wouldn't be obvious.

Also, that seems scary. I would've shit bricks.
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Re: TripQH Pretty Nice Dose

Post by PlugAndPlay »

yes you chew them ( they taste like shit ) and yes and no you can buy morning lory seeds at lowes and they contain LSA but you have to eat like 200-250 of them... hawaiian baby woodrose are available online ( i bought mine on ebay 103 for 2 bucks ) and one should use about 8... but again and i beg of you... DO NOT TRY THIS! LSA IS A LEVEL 3 NARCOTIC AND THE CONSUMPTION OF THE SEEDS IS ILLEGAL... OF TOP OF THAT I DEVELOPED EXTREME ANXIETY AND POSSIBLY HEART PROBLEMS... and now my ptsd is worse... so please i beg you do not use them. the trip lasted about 18 hours... it wasnt fun... stick to idoser :wink:
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Re: TripQH Pretty Nice Dose

Post by OvrDose »

I-Doser it is.:)
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Re: TripQH Pretty Nice Dose

Post by Micael »

Man that was a crazy trip you got there Plug, me personally I never tried any psychedelics but I consider safe psychedelics my only other future recreational/spiritual venture beyond canniboids (and I-doser ofc). The only way I can relate to what you're saying is if I recall my dream memories since I'm an adept lucid dreamer when I want to. But hey... even your experience with the trip dose was crazy! And you didn't even finish it. I never tripped hard from I-doser, I hope some day I will. Got any insight for me? :twisted:
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Re: TripQH Pretty Nice Dose

Post by PlugAndPlay »

Haha hey bro remember me? its KimJongNumberUn!

haha the best i can say is to meditate prior to dosing and of course listen to condition... it works wonders!

i do a light DMT release meditation prior to dosing and i recommend you do the same. Happy dosing! :D
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Re: TripQH Pretty Nice Dose

Post by Micael »

PlugAndPlay wrote:Haha hey bro remember me? its KimJongNumberUn!

haha the best i can say is to meditate prior to dosing and of course listen to condition... it works wonders!

i do a light DMT release meditation prior to dosing and i recommend you do the same. Happy dosing! :D
Ah ha! Nice to see you Kim. :-D

Yeah bro I gotta stop being lazy and get back to the condition again, more often then not I'm not even using it in my dosing process anymore, I also don't meditate. This is because I get strong effects anyway but man... it could be so much better, gotta stop cutting myself short always looking for the quickie. :p

Could you briefly describe what that meditation consists off? I never knew about that one.
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Re: TripQH Pretty Nice Dose

Post by PlugAndPlay »

Well it all starts with tensing up and releasing your muscles as you breath slowly and deeply in through the mouth and out through the nose. feel the heat radiate from your skin, feel the air moving past you, feel the energy that surrounds you. become one with the earth and then trip the fuck out on idoser XD :lol:
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