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Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 4:12 pm
by jombotski
I-Doser i got my new headphones today Sennheiser 201 and have tried OrgasmQH(i have tried this dose like 6 times for the day,1 with condition),QuickHappy and Dexies AND I STILL DONT GET EFFECTS.I just dont know whats happening i have no idea how on my old crap pc with crap headphones i used to get proper effects but now with approved headphones and my new pc(well its still a crap but better crap) i dont get shit.JUST WTF ? No audio effects no equalizers no nothing.My motherboard is ASUS P5Q i am using realtek latest version.
Please help. :retard:


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 2:20 pm
by jombotski
I have tried plugging my headphones in all possible jacks:front panel that i added,my panel from the box,logitech speakers headphone jack,back of my pc AND NONE OF THEM gets to have effects on me.Settings in realtek speakears configuration stereo no sound effects.Should i just sell my pc and buy some other ??


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:15 pm
by Micael
I'm not claiming this will solve your problem but just to make sure, try something that worked great for me: try listening to the doses with your headphones in reverse ( left to right, right to left). Let me know how that works for you. :)


Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:30 pm
by jombotski
Still the same,no effects.Its interesting that i found on forum this post:
Sun Jun 15, 2008 12:00 pm

Still no effects :P

The headphones: Sennheiser HD 201
The circumstances: dark room, silence, chilled state...

I'm trying it for more than 1,5 months. The recreational CD has no effect on me, too.
Could this headphones not work at all and with my GOOD luck i have them ? Also i am just wondering how can my pc be problem when i can listen music without problem and can there be hz lost because of bad hardware or some other things ?? Also i have go to a friend of mine with this headphones to try and test it(like yeaah i know its illegal to get your doses to other pc but cmon i wanted to try and every person with half a brain would know the way to keep his doses in check if something happens on his pc) there his front panel didnt worked so i pluged at the back of his pc and tried OrgasmQH and QuickHappy but still nothing,also i have told him to try QuickHappy and he just randomly laughed at like 2 min into the dose and that was it,when i still remember(back with my crap pc and headphones) when i called him at home and when i play him QuickHappy he would say that its like someone is tingling him and that he would just smile without a reason when dosing.SO WTF is going on.


Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:30 am
by SpaceMiNd
Maybe you just got to get back in the saddle, try dosing with A-Bomb to get your head back in the game. BTW QHs are really for tried and true experts with tons of experience I-Dosing, they are meant for users that can get sucked into a dose quicker but are looking for shortened effects.
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd


Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 1:29 pm
by jombotski
Well i dont have A-Bomb and now i am poor as f**k.But dude in the past when i got my OrgasmQH i got effects,even if they were small i just feel it when i get effects from dose.Now i just get absolutely NOTHING,i dont know maybe i just cant focus on the dose,its like the only logical answer to me.I even confirmed that my headphones are original in the sennheiser site,also i downloaded some program that checks if i have some audio problems like changing and dropping but everything was fine.And the funny part is that the friend that i used to dose him in the past,now dont want to test it(well besides that 1 test with quick happy at his home but i had to beg to him to try it).


Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 10:59 pm
by SpaceMiNd
Man, maybe that time you weren't dosing you mind unlearned how to dose. How long did it take before you got breakthrough doses?
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd


Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:43 am
by jombotski
Unlearned to dose ? Thats like forgetting how to ride a bike. Well my first attempts with I-doser some of them were working some of them not.For example i tried many times Opium but i didnt get to feel something but when i tried AfterGlow or FirstLove i got some effects.Well in FirstLove i didnt get to feel something when i dose but i remember that after the dose i went to sleep and dreamed about having a girlfriend and experiencing love.With AfterGlow was different i just felt the warm of the dose in the go,so my breakthrough are this doses,after that i think i decided buy doses.So if i had to list the doses that i felt they are : AfterGlow,FirstLove,Ginko,OrgasmQH. I have Trip and Peyote and tried them but i just cant relax because i am scared to have some bad trip or see some really bad things.But my friend had some good effects when i played him Trip and Divinorum.
But my main point is that its not like in the past,its like you know when you start to dose you start to lose feel in your body,its like you dont have a body and only the head remains,but now like i said i just dont feel nothing.


Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:42 pm
by SpaceMiNd
It's your psyche man, you're too afraid to let yourself slip into the dose. Did you have a bad trip before? And honestly, bad trips on I-doser are purely mental. They may mess you up for a day or so but it's nothing serious and it won't harm you. If you have a bad trip all you got to do is have Reset ready and it'll bring you back to Earth. And, have you been using Condition?
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd


Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 6:52 am
by jombotski
dude i was even more scared when i started dosing but i got effects,and you say that after more experience with dose i get more scared,no way.I didnt have bad trip because the Hallucinogenic doses didnt have effect on me(because couldnt relax and let myself in the dose).Yes i have condition and have been using it before doses but still nothing.The only way that i will know if its from my system or me is to find some test subjects but damn nobody takes me serious when i talk them about i-doser.Thought i started work this summer and when i finish work September and have more free time gonna buy some new doses like A-BOMB that you suggested and gonna start search for people to dose.