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Always falling asleep, any ways to help?

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:43 pm
by thedukeofcanada
So every time I try to dose, no matter what time, place, or how tired or not I am, I always fall asleep! I'm usually fine for the first 5 minutes or so but then, poof, I'm asleep and usually wake up about 7/8 through the dose. I do wear a sleep mask that blacks out all light, and I do close my eyes, because I find it a bit easier to relax. Any tips to stay awake and focused on the dose would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Re: Always falling asleep, any ways to help?

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 3:32 pm
by nudelus
Hey, I know some people with the same problem. What you could try are the following things. Try to use some ambient background sounds (are you using drg or mp3 versions?) and focus totally on the music. This may help you to stay awake. You could also try to load up an dose and use visualizations from your music player or the I-Doser premium programm. You will feel the effects too, and having your eyes open while focusing the visualizations should keep you awake. Try to sit instead of lying down. This could help because your body dosen`t go as easy into total relaxation state. Another thing to try is stuff like counting backwards, but I never personally tried it out. Another method, normally only for the experienced users, and the effects can be diminished, but to atleast get any effect you can try this: Load up your dose and also load up a show like the simpsons. The simpsons is great because you don`t have loud explosions and you can relax to the show because you don`t need to think much.
