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struggling with depression&anxiety
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 9:13 pm
by kidkofer
Hello everybody, Im 20 and struggling 3 years with depression and anxiety, social anxiety to be accurate,
and i started couple months ago a Psychiatric treatment that at start changed my life exetremly in the best way, but at a point vanish as it came, I heard about this binaural beats long time ago and decide to give it a try,
im very skeptical that the binaural beats can actually help me for a long term - but, here we are,
I would like some advices about the use and some explanation beyond, thanks ya'll.
Re: struggling with depression&anxiety
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:02 pm
by SpaceMiNd
Well, I-Doser combines to things, the binaural beats themselves which affects your brainwaves and mediating which is what you are pretty much doing when listening to I-Doser, which both can have positive effects on your life. Some doses I'd suggest for social anxiety and disorder would be ayahuasca, 5HTP, Antisad (depending on which kind of depression your experiencing, this is mainly for sadness and not flatness that depression can cause), Confidence, lithium (if you are trying to even yourself out same with prozium), Sero, definitely social plus for social anxiety. If you can explain what kind of depression you are experiencing, I can help cull the herd of all the list of these doses and help you find exactly what you are looking for.
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd
Re: struggling with depression&anxiety
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:03 pm
by SpaceMiNd
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd
Re: struggling with depression&anxiety
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:08 pm
by SpaceMiNd
And one more thing. I-Doser doesn't work like traditional meds, in which, over time can lose their efficacy. In fact, the exact opposite happens with I-Doser, the more you use it, the better the effects you get meaning a substantially better use in the long run. I'm not saying it will cure your ailments, I'm no doctor and have no experience with I-Doser on the effects of depression and anxiety (though I could greatly benefit it as I have both as well
) for it's users. However I can say, if given enough time, can very possibly help you with it.
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd
Re: struggling with depression&anxiety
Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:37 am
by kidkofer
what causes my depression is lack in confidence cause of my anxiety, i have to say that before my depression and thru the breaks while been depressed im very open/confident and anxiety free, i would like if you will give me the "best" idose to start with, and information like is it cost money and what i have to do and such, also i need honesty if it can actually help my situation, have you ever heard of people in the same situation as me that the idose has actually helped them, thanks again .
Re: struggling with depression&anxiety
Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:10 pm
by SpaceMiNd
The website you can see the prices for each individual dose and dose packs is The best doses I'd say for you since your depression stems from anxiety would definitely be social plus and confidence both in combination, however take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm not psychologist, psychiatrist, or doctor and have no experience with I-Doser and depression/anxiety, however, I would fully suggest you try these two doses to help aid in your anxiety. They are relatively cheap (all together they cost $6.75 usd) And you get unlimited use with it. With practice and trial and error, you can find what works for you.
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd
Re: struggling with depression&anxiety
Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:47 pm
by kidkofer
i will try it soon and let you know what's going on after a while, thank you for your comments.
Re: struggling with depression&anxiety
Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:50 pm
by SpaceMiNd
No problem kidkofer, I'll be here if you need anything :]
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd
Re: struggling with depression&anxiety
Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:34 pm
by kidkofer
how can i convert the files to mp3? and also i saw the warning singns on the software, is there a reason to be worried ?
Re: struggling with depression&anxiety
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 6:59 am
by idoser
Buy the premium version from if you want to convert .drg dose files to mp3.
OR Buy mp3 packs from
DO NOT keep asking how you can illegally obtain or transfer and convert our audio - it is not allowed in this forum and you WILL be banned. Not only will improperly converting our audio result in loss of effectiveness or cause potentially undesired results, BUT ALSO we have deleted several of your messages where you ask how to obtain or convert files without paying for the appropriate files or software.
Consider this your one warning.