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Juss tried inhalant.
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:30 am
by craziace911
I juss tried inhalant because every 1 thought is was scary and crap. So i did it i turned off my lights, closed the door clicked play dose went to be closed eyes and i listened to the whole thing. Yet no effect i feel the same. All it did was make me scared at 1 point when the sound changed to some weird sound then thats it. I really want these dosers to work i read that guide some 1 posted i did all of that and still. Im trying to hard to get these things to work but they wont. What to do..............
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:35 am
by f12button
Don't try hard, just relax. Listen to the sound, and how it vibrates.
If you try not to pay attention to the affects, it'll come.
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:42 am
by craziace911
i wasnt.... i clearly cleared my mind. I was only listining not concentrating. I am so mad i want this to work....... zzzzzzzzzzzz
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:29 pm
by 420kid
well sounds like u did everything i did and it worked for me so i would have to say earphones. even if u have ok earphones just pluging them into ur ears doesnt always do the trick. for my earbuds i had to push on them to get rid of that static noise. and to the base beats and wavey noises. and also the scaredness i believe is an effect in itself just nobody thinks it is. good luck man try my advice and if it still doesnt work then i dont kno wut to tell u.