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Research? Science? Company info?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:55 pm
by silveroaks97
Hello to the I-Doser staff,

I have two questions:

1. I'm wondering if your company has done any research of its own on binaural beats or if you're going to publish your research on your web site or in a scientific journal. Other companies selling brainwave CDs, like the Immrama Institute or Hemi-Sync, publish their research on their web sites. (Immrama publishes research and EEG images of people's brainwaves while their CDs were used. Hemi-Sync publishes research studies that involved their CDs.) When will you be publishing your own research studies? Have you conducted any?

2. What data or statistics are you using to back your claim that you're the "industry leader in binaural brainwave technology"? Are you using sales figures from each company to determine that your company has the highest sales (and if so, which companies were included in that comparison)? Or are you using data from research studies you've conducted about brainwave technology (and if so, where can we see the published data)? Or are you using some other data, and if so, what data was used? I'm just curious about what makes your company eligible for that title, especially since some of the other more well-known brainwave tech companies have been around for decades.

I'm hoping you're a professional company and will give a professional response to my questions. I think they're important questions that other members of the forum might also be wondering about.

Thanks in advance for answering.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:23 pm
by Osama
Obviously they've researched this, but as for your other questions just wait for iDoser...

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 7:57 pm
by silveroaks97
Obviously they've researched this
Actually, there's nothing obvious about it, which is why I posed the question to them. Everything they've produced could have been created based on "research" they did solely by surfing the internet. There's an abundance of information on the internet about brainwaves, brain states, binaural beats and how they work, etc., so anyone who wants to learn about it can do so for free just by conducting an online search. There are also free software programs like Brainwave Generator that can create binaural beat tracks, so anyone with spare time could throw together some tracks in a matter of a few minutes, call themselves a company, and then say they've "done the research" or claim they're the "industry leader" in the field. Unfortunately, because of how easy it is, there are already quite a few so-called "companies" that actually consist of a couple of college students using free software and royalty-free music to make binaural beat CDs, with no actual research done at all.

What I want to know is whether or not the creators of the I-Doser products have done any real research studies specifically with their products. For example, have they tested their products in a double-blind study? How many test subjects were involved in the study? What was the study's protocol and purpose (i.e., was the purpose to verify brainwave effects via EEG, or was it to obtain subjective results such as asking the participants to report on mood changes, or did the study have a different purpose? etc.) And if any studies have been done, where has the research been published? And based on the results, how do their products stack up against other companies' products?

I'm not looking for confirmation that brainwave technology works. There's plenty of research already published about that. I know for a fact that brainwave technology works, but I also know not all binaural beat products are equally effective. Some are much better than others. I'd like to see I-Doser's research to see why they feel their products are better than the CDs offered by other companies. I think every company should have to back up their claims with actual evidence, not just anecdotes.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 11:12 pm
by punchm
I agree with silveroaks97, we need to know all this information, if its leading scientists in brain wave technology, where is the proof? Do you have any published data about yourself's, who you are, what made you want to try doing this, and so on, i would like an answer to our questions please.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 11:20 pm
by Kingjames88
I'm gonna have to jump on this boat...
I too would like to know what resurch you have done and how it was carried out.
I'm seeing a lack of info, almost like I-doser is trying to hide something.
Bring on the proof!!

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 11:58 pm
by Couch
they are very shady, and some solid proof would be comforting

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 2:28 pm
by not quite jakes self
i doser is shady but there doses seem to work good. there simply good at doses although i think bwgen is a lil better. there really isnt much reasearch needed for this

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 9:35 pm
by RobDose
there are programs which allow you to make your own doses, but i think i-doser's doses are the closest to the real drugs... i think that i-doser is not american (its location is in singapore) but i think i-doser is trust worthy, none the less

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 11:09 pm
by silveroaks97
RobDose wrote:but i think i-doser is trust worthy, none the less
Hi RobDose,
Could you tell me why you feel that way? I think a lot of people are questioning their trustworthiness because they don't even bother to put contact information on their web site, let alone any info about research studies. Other brainwave tech companies have phone numbers, street addresses, etc., published on their web sites. I couldn't find any contact info on the I-Doser site, which is one of the things that made me start this thread on the forum. I like to know what kind of company I'm dealing with before I subject my brain to their technology. :-D

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:51 am
by Zero
I would also like to request some information about their company and their research. If they had any I'd feel intruiged to read it. I'm always interested in research into things like these. But alas, there is none to my knowledge. So, I'd like to see some proof.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:14 am
by konajinx
RobDose wrote:there are programs which allow you to make your own doses, but i think i-doser's doses are the closest to the real drugs... i think that i-doser is not american (its location is in singapore) but i think i-doser is trust worthy, none the less
Interesting...the "i-doser" pics on its MySpace page feature some suave looking model-type of guy. Go figure. Who wants to bet that that dude actually has nothing to do with the site?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:12 am
by Kingjames88
Well on one hand, this does make them look suspissious and shaddy

but on the other, If they had contact info they would probablly get swarms of emails from angry mothers pissed off that their kids are getting high and worrying about the effects of the doses. also most people are quick to judge and have VERY strong opinions about drugs and such.

I-doser is one of those border-line things, promising the effects of lots of very bad drugs that cause sevier problems and such. even though they arent the drugs and doing nothing wrong, as I said... these soccer moms are uick to judge (also old people, worrysome people, and already high people pissed that someone else is doing it cheeper :lol: )


you can see why they might want to hide their info from the public.
Although there are reasonable explanations to why they don't provide that info, that fact combined with the lack of resurch info makes them look shaddy.
I can think of no reason not to post other info that is not contact related other then that it is eather not there, lost, or inconclusive.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:45 am
by silveroaks97
Kingjames88 wrote:I can think of no reason not to post other info that is not contact related other then that it is eather not there, lost, or inconclusive.
Given that they haven't bothered to respond to my original post even though this thread has been sitting here for the past four and a half days, I'm guessing you're right that the reason they haven't published any research on their web site is that they don't actually have any.

If the research proved the products work, it would almost certainly be published somewhere. It might not make it into a serious scientific or medical journal, but at the very least they would publish it on their web site. If the research proved the products don't work, they obviously wouldn't publish it, but in this case I'm betting they didn't even conduct any actual research studies. From what I've seen so far, I think their products are based entirely on information anyone can find on the internet, not on any real research they conducted.

I'm still waiting for a response from someone at I-Doser to refute that statement.

Kingjames88 wrote:but on the other, If they had contact info they would probablly get swarms of emails from angry mothers pissed off that their kids are getting high and worrying about the effects of the doses.
That's the cost of doing business in this industry. If they didn't want to deal with that, they should have gone into a different field or marketed their products as something other than a way to mimic drug doses. (There are plenty of brainwave technology companies selling products that parents actually want their kids to use. I can name a few of those products if you want to hear about them.)

By not providing contact methods, I-Doser is sending a clear message to their customers that they care more about their customers' money than about the level of customer service they provide (which is basically zero, since they don't provide any). Besides, they have a Delete button in their email program just like everyone else. :-) If they don't want to read emails from angry people, they can always just delete those emails and only reply to legitimate questions from customers.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:26 pm
by Kingjames88
yes, I agree that it looks shaddy.
I-doser only ever seems to pop up when there is a situation that affects their profits (the thing where they took away PMs).
Must be making damn good money from this to not pay attention to people.
maybe their resurch was asking their buddies to listion :lol: .

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:46 am
by silveroaks97
Kingjames88 wrote:maybe their resurch was asking their buddies to listion :lol: .
LOL, you're probably right. I wouldn't be surprised to find out the only research they did was asking their friends to listen to the MP3s. :-)

I'm still waiting for someone from I-Doser to reply to this thread. What does it take to get a reply from them? Hello I-Doser staff....anyone home???