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I-Doser Log

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 9:08 am
by astralbrainwave
Hello Everybody,

Today i will start to keep a I-Doser log. Everytime
when i listened to a dose i will write it down in this topic and tell my experience's.


Re: I-Doser Log

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 1:49 am
by astralbrainwave

Sunday i bought the Luminosity Pack of I-Doser.
Before sleeping i listened 15 minutes to Propethic Dream.
I mixed the dose with Morning At Seven from Ben Selier (Official from James Last).
I liked to listen it and i got relaxed from it. After 15 minutes i stopped the dose and i went to sleep.

That night i dreamed about that i was awake in the middle of the night and my mother had something worse with her health and i thought that i must call 911 (112 in The Netherlands).
Then my dream continued.

I am not sure or it was a false awakening because i cannot exactly remember that i awake in my dreams.

Pack:Luminosity Pack
Dose:Prophetic Dream


Re: I-Doser Log

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:28 am
by astralbrainwave
I just listened 4:50 to Hand of God (MP3 Pack Version) while i was in the car with my parents.
I had my eye's closed. I got relaxed from it.

Pack:Sacred Simulations
Dose:Hand of God

Re: I-Doser Log

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:55 am
by astralbrainwave
I just listened 8 minutes to Gates of Hades (MP3 Pack Version) when i was in the back of my parents car.  I like to listen it and i got a little bit relaxed from it.

Album:Sacred Simulations
Dose:Gates of Hades

Re: I-Doser Log

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:44 pm
by astralbrainwave

Yesterday before i went to sleep i listened 15 minutes to Calm (MP3 Pack Version). I like it a lot to listen and i got very relaxed and calm from it. I find it a very beuatiful and special dose that has something magic.
When i listened the dose i was very relaxed and calm.

I really recommend this dose!

Pack:Dose Enhancers

Re: I-Doser Log

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 1:41 am
by astralbrainwave
Yesterday i listened 15 minutes to Hand of God (MP3 Pack Version) before i went to sleep.
I like it to listen and i got relaxed from it.

Pack:Sacred Simulations
Dose:Hand of God

Monday i listened 15 minutes to Lucid Dream (MP3 Pack Version) before i went to sleep. I like it to listen and i got relaxed from it.
I did not got a lucid dream that night.

Pack:Celestial Simulations
Dose:Lucid Dream

Re: I-Doser Log

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:10 am
by astralbrainwave
Yesterday i listened 15 minutes to Hand of God (Android App) before i went to sleep. i like it to listen and i got relaxed from it.

I-Doser Premium Android App

Dose:Hand of God

Re: I-Doser Log

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 4:18 pm
by jombotski
thats really dope experience with the Prophetic Dream dose.So after all this time did something happened with your mom ? I think you should focus more on the doses from the Luminosity Pack as they have some effect while your other experiences are only "i feel relaxed" which means the dose didnt worked.Also i dont think its good idea to dose while you are in your parents car.

Re: I-Doser Log

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 3:37 am
by astralbrainwave

Thanks for your reply!

Luckily there is nothing happened with my mother in real life.

My parents where driving in the car and i was sitting in the back seat of the car.
Why do you think that it is not a good idea?

Yesterday i forgot to write down my experience with the Sleep Paralysis dose.

I will write it down soon.


Re: I-Doser Log

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 3:45 am
by astralbrainwave
Friday i bought the Nutmeg, Sleep Paralysis and Melatonin doses.

Friday before i went to sleep i listened 10 minutes to Sleep Paralysis of I-Doser. I was listening and i got very relaxed. While listening i was thinking and after 10 minutes i got a hypnagogic shock. Then i stopped listening and went to sleep.

So i really got a effect from the Sleep Paralysis dose, I am very happy!

I remembered a lot of dream's the night after i listened this dose and i also got a false awakening. I dreamed that i was awake and my grandfather commented on a Facebook post of me.

I find that the Sleep Paralysis dose works very good and i am very happy with it! I recommend it to all dreamers and people that want to get Sleep Paralysis.

Thanks for making this dose I-Doser!

Re: I-Doser Log

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 8:20 am
by astralbrainwave
I just listened 15 minutes to Absinthe (MP3 Pack Version) while i was in the back seat of my parents car. I like it to listen and i got relaxed from it.
When the dose ends i was very relaxed. Then i listened 6:45 to Theta. While listening to Theta i also got relaxed and now after listening i am still relaxed.

Pack:Recreational Simulations 2

Pack:Pure Simulations

Re: I-Doser Log

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 12:30 pm
by astralbrainwave
Monday I listened 15 minutes to Lucid Dream (MP3 Pack Version) before I went to sleep. I liked it to listen and I got relaxed from it. Then I felt asleep. Later my mother woke me up and I discovered the Lucid Dream dose ended and it already was playing the next dose (Sleeping Angel) for about 4 minutes. Then I put off my headphone, turned off my phone and went to sleep.

Pack:Celestial Simulations
Dose:Lucid Dream

I did not got a lucid dream that night but I remembered normal dreams.

Tuesday I listened 15 minutes to Hand of God (MP3 Pack Version) before I went to sleep. I liked it to listen and I got relaxed from it. Then I felt a little bit asleep. Later I woke up and hear that the dose was nearly on the end. Then I heard the end of the dose and I felt a little bit asleep again. I woke up and I thought that the dose ended but then I still heard the end of the dose. I opened my eyes and saw my mother in my bedroom for a second but it was not real, I think it was a hypnagogic hallucination (hypnagogic imagery). Then I put off my headphone and I went to sleep.

I noticed that sometimes when I nearly fell asleep while dosing it looks like that the sound becomes softer>higher>softer>higher>.
I also noticed that sometimes when I nearly fell asleep while dosing it looks like that the time of the dose becomes slower.

Pack:Sacred Simulations
Dose:Hand of God

Yesterday I listened 15 minutes to Ajna (MP3 Pack Version) before I went to sleep. I liked it to listen and I got relaxed from it. When the dose ended I put off my headphone, turned off my phone and I went to sleep.

Pack:Chakra Collection

Re: I-Doser Log

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 1:10 pm
by astralbrainwave
Yesterday i bought the Morphine, Anesthesia, and Endorphin doses.
Today i bought I-Doser Premium for Windows, Handsfree Orgasm and Reset.

Today is my birthday and i got a Philips ActiveShield Protection SHB9850NC headphone. The headphone has bluetooth so i can listen it wireless. It also has noise cancelling. I exported my doses to MP3 using I-Doser Premium. After i exported it i copied it to my phone. I put on my Philips ActiveShield Protection headphone and listened the Nutmeg dose. I was testing it and walked in the garden while listening. I tested it and i cannot hear my parents and grandparents when they talk when i enabled the noise cancelling function. So it works very good. I also let hear it to my parents and grandparents. Later i went in and i lay down on the coach. I was listening to the dose. On the end of the dose where the white noise stops and there are only binaural beats i could hear my parents and grandparents talking a little bit. Later the dose ends.
I listened 30 minutes to it.

Category:Hallucinogenic (Strong)

Re: I-Doser Log

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:48 am
by astralbrainwave
Yesterday i listened the MP3 Pack Versions of Hand of God, 2c-i , Harmony and Marijuana. I listened all this doses 15 minutes so totally i listened 1 hour.

I got relaxed from it.