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Doses combined with pattern videos ! ( experimental )

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 2:40 pm
by sheepsky
Okay so i'm new to this been doing for two weeks now , in doing a experiment as i see no talk about this but if in in the wrong direction you can always tell me.

The experiment consist in mixing fractal patterns with the doses, or any other videos that have relation with geometry i want to see if this boost the effect.

I'll take notes and see the results.

Re: Doses combined with pattern videos ! ( experimental )

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 3:56 pm
by sheepsky
Experiment 1

*dose : 2c-l
*source : spotify
*23 minutes on effect after the dose
*headphones : iphone 6 headphones

- you will say it's because of the video and in part it is but the effect of the dose was , I felt my nose heavy my arms feel heavy , My mind lost and when the dose finished I paused the video and close my eyes feel like moving in my own chair . things were moving when I opened my eyes look to a reflection of a three by the windows it was getting far far far away the table was moving and my face still like heavy. The eyes distortion finish but the dose was still the the body feel like captured .

Re: Doses combined with pattern videos ! ( experimental )

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 3:50 am
by michel333alfa
Amazing! I have to try!