Some troubles an questions about Lucid Dream

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Some troubles an questions about Lucid Dream

Post by dé-mônio »

Hi, i'm new in i-doser and the dose that i realy got excited to try was Lucid dream, but i'm trying form four days and i can't make work

sometimes i slept before the dose ends
and sometimes a finish the dose but a get a little bit nervous and can not sleep

my questions:

how many time i can be wake up after the dose ends?

should i just pay atetion on the sound or i can let my tought flow?

you guys have any tip to give me?

thank you so much, i'm form Brazil sorry any thing i wrote wrong :D
Mr Mucha
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Post by Mr Mucha »

Ok the thing about Lucid Dream is that it does not gurantee you to dream. It will help you get closer to one but you wont deff get it. :-(
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Post by dé-mônio »

Mr Mucha wrote:Ok the thing about Lucid Dream is that it does not gurantee you to dream. It will help you get closer to one but you wont deff get it. :-(

i know :-D

i'm not sure but i think i read in somewhere that we dream every day
and i read stories of people that used Lucid Dream and it realy worked

i think the lucid dream can make your brain work to get in a lucid dream
but i whink i'm doing something wrong or i just need some tips

thank you for answer me :D
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Post by idoser »

There is some good information there. The Lucid Dream dose will assist you to better remember and take part in your dreams. It puts your mind at an optimal level and should be used right before you go to sleep. Use it in addition to researching on Lucid Dreaming and it should greatly help you achieve what you are looking for.

Good Luck!
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Post by Brad »

wiki FTW but yeah that has a lot fo good information about Lucid Dreaming ive read it and mony other sites its a skill and you have to master it. the Dose and a very good tool to help you Lucid Dream also.
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Post by dé-mônio »

oh okay i-doser it isn't an miracle but will help me?

i searched in google about this subject and discovered
some things that help:

Go to sleep early

always in the day ask your self if you are dreaming ( probaly in your dream you will do the same thing and will realize that you are in a dream)
and test if the things are real

before sleep, repeat to youself "i will have an lucid dream" unitl you sleep

i realy dont know if those tips are nice.

thank you every buddy :D
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Post by Brad »

did mucha tell you this? :P i told him the last tip to do im just wondering
Mr Mucha
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Post by Mr Mucha »

Lol, nah I didnt tell him, I googles also and found that tip. Just gotta always keep thiking about dreaming and ask yourself during the daytime if your dreaming. Seems to help.
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Post by dé-mônio »

last night i had an very real dream, i felt like i wasn't in a dream, but i didn't know that i was in a dream so i couldn't do anything especial, this type of dream happened after 5 days trying to get in a lucid dream using the "lucid dream of i-doser"

so my type is: if you use lucid dream and don't work don't get angry or sad, try again anda again and always ask yourself if you are dreaming or not

i placed an piece of paper with the sentence "you are not dreaming" in my room, so every time i can i take a look in this piece of paper.
I don't know if works but i'm trying

let's continues this topic telling wich other what we dicover :D

by the way sorry, i'm Brazilian and i'm sure that i wrote something wrong
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Post by DudeCuda »

This was the first dose I tried. Did as the instructions said and was ready to go to bed as soon as it finished, even changed and everything. Ended up working. Was strange though, different then a normal dream. A normal dream you wake up from it in the middle of the night thinking about the dream. I woke up afew times from this dream but it was more like i was still dreaming while I lied there awake. Kinda eliminated the line between dream and thought type of thing. Was kinda cool I guess, made me anxious to try other doses anywhoo
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Post by monching »

I am taking the definition of Lucid Dreaming as a warning since if that is the case then it is possible that you are not dreaming while in your thoughts you are.

So, whenever you got the full control in your dream, be very careful on what you do, because you may not be really dreaming.
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Post by dé-mônio »

i discovered something new...

the headphone must be in the right ear...

te most of headphones have a little letter L and in the other R

L for the left eaar and R for the right ear :D
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Post by dé-mônio »

today i'm trying again.

try again, again and again is very good, read about lucid dreams in google is nice too.

someone told me that go sleep ealy and eat a little bit more before sleep is nice to have dreams.

lets continue :D
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Post by monching »

Will it always be just dreams or lucid nightmare is equally possible?
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Post by dé-mônio »

i don't know, but i think....if you have an lucid nightmare and you is realy lucid you can turn it on to a lucid dream...when you realize that you are dreaming you can do anything :D
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