Being "high"

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Being "high"

Post by Kingjames88 »

Hi all

I haven't done any real drugs so far (other then some drinking) and so don't really know what being "high" is exactly. I know that there are probably a few other users on here in the same boat so I'll ask for everyone who wants to know, or thinks they know :D .

What exactly does being "high" feel like??

I think i have a general idea but could someone who has experianced it first hand please enlighten me :cool: .

You hear everyone saying things like "I'm so high" and such, when some if not most of these people have never actually ben high and are just guessing.
I think this is one of the things that adds doubt to I-doser is these people making wild claims when they don't actually know what their talking about.
so if someone could clear it up for me that would be great :oops: .
I need a grasp on the concept... although this probably sounds dumb to some, I'm asking anyways.
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Post by f12button »

Usually, it's different for everyone, but when you're high, you know it. It changes wih every drug, so i'll use to most common: marijuana! It's kind of hard to explain, but i can try.

My personal experience --

First, vision starts to change subtly. Everything seems just a little bigger, just a little brighter. Then, a rush of euphoria. You just feel good, and happy. Everything's funny. You start to get a tingling through your body, really good sensation, everything feels kind of warm and tingly. That's when you notice your vision really changes. It's hard to describe, but everything seems closer, and yet far away. My arms don't seem to be attached to my body, but i still feel them. Pain is completely gone, and if you do get any pain, it's not discomforting at all, you don't really care about it.

Your mind races...sometimes you think about the strangest things, and yet you understand completely. Everything tastes, smells, and feels wonderful...everything slows down, and you feel like an hour has passed, but it's only been fifteen minutes. Everything's just so enjoyable.

I can't really explain past that. lol.
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Post by Kingjames88 »


well I just got tired of some people saying like
because from visiting other places on the web I know that's one of the things that lead to people doubting I-doser and I don't want to add fuel to the fire...

I don't think thats really happened to me, most thats ever lasted much after the dose was a kinda numb head, but it was like the inside was numb, kinda weird but nothing like what you described.
if any of this makes any sence.
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Post by Ness »

Well, that depends on what drug you're talking about. If you mean weed, then theres still indica v. sativa. Indica makes you real numb and heavy ("stoned") and makes you want to sit on your couch and watch cartoons it's a great body-high. Sativa is more of a buzzy, head-high you tend to want to get up and do stuff and your thoughts race around and things can seem real deep even if they're not :lol: . Name a drug, I'll tell you about it :D
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Post by Kingjames88 »

Ness wrote:Name a drug, I'll tell you about it :D
so youve been "around the block" drugwise??
ok heres a list...

crystal meth
LSD (wtf, isn't this the same as acid??)

as you can prolly see I went throught the doses... I don't know what are real drugs and such.

well see what you can tell me.
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Post by Ness »

Kingjames88 wrote:
Ness wrote:Name a drug, I'll tell you about it :D
so youve been "around the block" drugwise??
ok heres a list...

acid- See LSD
HASH- Hash is highly concentrated MJ. The advantage of turning raw plant into hash is you get more into your system at once, increasing the high, but making it shorter lived.
haroin- I smoked heroin a couple times and honestly, its unremarkable. I think the advantage in heroin is that it is readily injectable, but I don't IV, so IMO its nothing special compared to other strong opiates.
coke- Just like you've ever heard. Powerful stimulation, mood lift, racing thoughts, powerful euphoria, a powerful sense of motivation. Only problem is that it is very short lived and the crash is the worst thing ever. If you ever do coke and aren't against the idea, mix a little bit of a powered opiate into it and once the coke wears off, the opiate will be there, making the crash not awful.
crystal meth- This is the one drug that I've sworn to never but in my body. This shit will fuck you up if you use it much. Don't do meth.
adrenochrome- Never had any, don't really want to. Theres debate as to whether it's even psychedellic at all and from what I hear, it barely gets you high.
Anesthesia- Not really a drug.
BufoToad- Never licked a toad before.
Demerol- Never had Demerol, but its a synthetic opioid, so that means there will probably be strong euphoria, a sense of warmth, and a stimulation of the mind.
Inhalant- Never inhaled anything, don't really want to.
LSD (wtf, isn't this the same as acid??)- LSD is so...out there i you know what I mean. Not a true hallucinogen for most people (me included), it radically changes the way you think and perceive things. Your vision can distort and sometimes it causes (theres a medical term for it, but I can't remember it) a sort of cross-wiring of the senses. You can see music, hear tastes, smell sights and the like.
Morphine- Powerfully euphoric, sense of warmth. Generic opiate.
Nitrous- Exactly like the I-Doser description.
Opium- Never had raw opium before, but it primarily consists of morphine, codeine, and thebaine. The morphine and codeine are opiates while thebaine is a stimulant, giving you an opiate high with stimulation.
Oxy- Oxycodone is your staple synthetic opioid. POWERFULLY euphoric, a great sense of well being, and a strong stimulation. It's a GREAT drug to take if you want to be high while you do your daily activities or a great party drug.
Peyote- Never had the pleasure, but its like mescaline which is like weak LSD from what I've heard.
Prozium- No idea. I think its some kind of anti depressant.
Rave- MDMA or "Ecstasy" is a fucking hell of a drug. Very strong euphoria, strong stimulation, powerfully empathenogenic (Feelings of connections with others) heightened emotions, a sense of belonging and purpose, feelings of fitting in and love like you've never felt. And the best part is, if you take an SSRI with it, its hardly toxic at all.
Trip- I think this is supposed to be a highly generic psychedellic experience. Change in consciousness, visual distortions.
Speed- Meh. "Speed" could mean anything. Read the description
YaBA- This is really low-grade methamphetamine in tabs. From what I hear oral meth is like smoked meth only not fun.

as you can prolly see I went throught the doses... I don't know what are real drugs and such.

well see what you can tell me.
I edited the quote. Those aren't necessarily what the doses are like, but the drugs themselves.
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Post by Kingjames88 »

thanks, but a few questions...
1. so LSD is acid like i thought?? why have a dose for both then :lol:
2. mescaline, isn't that the shit in nutmeg??
3. what's SSRI.

thats all I can think of for now.

so you've personally done most of those drugs?? wow :shock:

p.s. "Never had raw opium before" come scrape some poppies... lol

I could if I really wanted to
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Post by Ness »

Kingjames88 wrote:thanks, but a few questions...
1. so LSD is acid like i thought?? why have a dose for both then :lol:
2. mescaline, isn't that the shit in nutmeg??
3. what's SSRI.

thats all I can think of for now.

so you've personally done most of those drugs?? wow :shock:

p.s. "Never had raw opium before" come scrape some poppies... lol

I could if I really wanted to
Acid is slang for LSD. Honestly, I don't know what the difference is supposed to be in the doses.

Mescaline is not in nutmeg, although some people claim its similar. The effects of nutmeg vary wildly between the people who take it, the majority finding it decidedly unpleasant.

An SSRI is a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor. It is a kind of antidepressant, but when taken with/after MDMA, it drastically reduces the neurotoxcicity of the drug, making it almost completely harmless.

And yes, I could get opium if I really wanted, but I don't see much of a point as I can get opium derivatives much more easily.
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Post by Kingjames88 »

well thanks for your insight Ness.
hopefully others will read this too and refrain from random "OMG IM SO HIGH " type statments, as they lead to doubt about I-doser.

not to mention it helps me out...

oh ya, what about DMT??
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Post by Ness »

DMT is one I'd very much like to try one day. The dose description pretty much says it all. Load universe into a cannon. Aim at head. Fire. Smoked DMT's onset is almost instant, so much so that it is recommended you have someone there to catch the pipe when you drop it so you don't break it and the effects last ~5 minutes with after effects of ~10-15 minutes, but those few minutes are all you need :eek: I hope to be able to try it some day.
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Post by Kingjames88 »

what exactly is it anyways??
I mean like is it a natural plant or what.
get what I'm sayin??
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Post by Ness »

DMT is short forDimethyltryptamine. It is found in some plants and IIRC in some concentations in the venom of some toads. Ayahausca is a traditional way of getting DMT which is a tea brewed of a certain vine, although oral DMT is supposed to be far less recreational due to the massive body load (physical side effects) and the very long length of effects. DMT can be extracted from many plants, some of which grow wild. For some reason, DMT is in pharmaceuticals, but it s Schedule I in the US (High abuse potential, no medical value as judged by the DEA. This doesn't mean that it is really medically useless, however, just that it is totally illegal. Marijuana is highly useful medically in some situations and it is also Schedule I. Go figure).
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Post by jimihendrix »

hmm when i did MJ i haven't exactly felt like euphoric, like i just won the superbowl or somethin like that :lol:

but i felt content and happier than usual

like im about to fly to buffalo, and usually going to the airport is a pain in the ass in NY, but i feel totally relaxed and laid back, which is great

plus my pupils had dilated when i was done listening

so its workin lol

maybe if i just keep listening 2 it the euphoria should roll around?
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