A few days in...after effects?

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A few days in...after effects?

Post by treboran »

So yeah, very pleased so far. Started with the mobile and bought the Windows version last night. Picked up a few of the doses to go along with that. (I'm about $100 in, but the experiences so far have been worth every cent)

Genderize: I exported to MP3 and listened in bed last night after my wife fell asleep. Risk factor moderate, but whatever. (I do need to introduce her to some of this without her think I'm totally weird, but we'll get there)

I had done the mobile version of this with some success, but wow...very interesting. I was kinda tired and probably have been hitting myself with too many of these in the past 48 hours, but for a while there...I swear I forgot at times that I don't have a vagina. I'm also pretty certain I had someone going down on me orally, which was a real interesting experience. This makes me wonder how programmed these experiences are ("at 19:25, you will experience oral sex as the opposite gender") versus broad suggestions that our brains fill in. Fascinating, as Spock would say.

Multi-O on PC: I've done multi O on the mobile and it is spectacular. I locked myself in my office downstairs this morning and spooled up the PC version. Let's just say I had to stop with 6 minutes left...yeah...

But here's the funny thing. I get up and go into the family room. I throw on Netflix and as I'm flipping through the shows, I'm overcome by another orgasm. It wasn't quite as intense, but it definitely caught me by surprise. In all my experimentation with hypno audios and other binaural stuff, I've never had something like that happen.

How common do you all find after effects? I haven't done much with the drug doses, but I figure that they might linger after the dose. Also, for the travel ones (time, dimension, etc) have you found them to be time capped with the dose or does the experience continue until it's over even after the dose is done? I have Time Travel both in mobile and PC and am trying to wrap my head around how that's supposed to work. Do we effectively "possess" someone? If we travel to our own past, do we take over our body? Or are we a third person observer? Any experience from anyone with that would be handy.

I'm a little nervous to go beyond the sexual doses, so I've been trying to read other people's experiences with some of these others.

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Re: A few days in...after effects?

Post by idoser »

You can try the Reset Dose after a dose if you are experiencing unwanted or strong unwanted effects. It is not too common for effects to last an extended amount of time after dosing. All effects should be gone within a few hours at most.

If it eases you at all, we have many customers who use our products with their partner. Re: many women use binaural based products without thinking them "weird". Our user base is pretty evenly split between women and men. Some couples use our Tantric dose together, an an example.

MultipleO is one of our best-selling products (and the standard Orgasm dose). It can be extremely powerful and we always recommend starting with O and working your way to MO.

If you are looking for experiences from users using the software doses, check here:
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Re: A few days in...after effects?

Post by treboran »

While some folk might consider an after effect like mine "undesirable" I'm ok with it. :)

Funny thing is, same kind of thing happened to me this morning. Orgasm QH on the mobile, stopped it because the dogs started going nuts. As I'm standing outside with the two on the leash, I'm hit with a few more waves of it...definitely forced me to shower right after.

Does this stuff get more potent the more you listen? I found with the hypno stuff that it became less effective over time. But the lack of audible voice tracks and stuff is a significant difference.

Again, fascinating.
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