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Lucid Dream

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 5:00 am
by Ness
The other day, I listened to Lucid Dream. It didn't give me any LDs, but maybe because I couldn't go to sleep for about 20 mins after. Anyway, while I was listening at one point I felt what I can only describe as a rush of energy through my entire body, originating from my chest. Anyone else experience this ever?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:55 am
by -steinz
Same thing happened to me, but i was moving my arms, so i just got it from like chest to arms :( i wish it would have gone through my whole body...

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:53 am
by TRB
I felt it too. I was lying in bed with my eyes closed and feeling very relaxed. When suddenly the sound just exploded and jolted my body. In that quick reflex action I threw the headphones off. Scared the S***T out of me!

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:39 am
by 420kid
i cant do lucid dream. im one of those people who if im tired and im listening to something, boom im out. i think ur required to fall asleep after the dose plays this way ur brain is in the set pattern yet it wont take affect until your asleep. i fall asleep half way thru so my brain starts reseting while the dose is playing. i have had lucid dreams tho but i dont know realise its a lucid dream until its to late and i wake up therefore im not able to gain 100% control of my surroundings while in the dream i just sort of know its going on but dont do anything.