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I Need A Dose That:

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 5:37 am
by Vale
Well sometime ago, I had this great dream which gave me a feeling of happiness and more good feelings. Yes, it is possible for me to recreate that feeling without drugs. However, it takes good concentration and lasts only for a few moments.

So if you guys don't know what I mean,
Remember when you were having this great dream but you woke up from it? But then when you woke up, you realized that it's real and not a dream? (Lol, I had this awesome dream, went to sleep in it, woke up and was like "omg it was only a dream" but then it wasn't. (at least not in the dream lol)

It's just this great feeling (not sex) that lifts your mood and makes you happy.

But then maybe, it's just the feeling of happiness you have when you're having a good dream. W/e

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:50 pm
by beastlybeast
Yea, i know that feeling . For example when one of my dreams is adventerous and exciting and i' like with my friends i feel so into it and than i wake up and nooo its over. Lol, i dreamed last night Iraq was attacking my city, I saw missle crash into my neighbors roof. Boy that was a thrill... I don't think you can really recreate that because you feel happy from what you seen from the dream, in drugs you just take it and feel happy out of substances affecting you.

So it could be opium

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:10 pm
by Vale
Really? Opium?
thanks for the advice.