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Lucid Dreams Not Working? :-)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:23 pm
by Vale
While taking afternoon naps, my brain barely ever goes directly to delta (deep sleep) waves because I nap when I am not tired at all. This leads to me dreaming as soon as I start napping.

Well the cool thing is, It's kinda like you're half awake, half asleep. So you can exeperience the things through the half-dream while you're half asleep.

For example, you're in this state and you're thinking of how you want to do w/e to the girl of your dreams. While you're thinking it, you're actually doing it in your mind. Not "wishing" you were doing it, but actually experiencing it. So it's kinda like Lucid Dreams.

So try it. Go take a nap in dim light when you're not even tired and start thinking of anything. You'll feel like you're actually doing it, just like a Lucid Dream.

But the bad part is, it kinda takes concentration so if Lucid Dreams work for other people, just stick to that. But if you want, take a shot.

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:55 am
by Enthralled
Hmmm, that an idea :D . Ill try after work! Maybe before.

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 3:41 pm
by pwn911
Yeah when in the half awake state I can like do what ever I want, its pretty cool, since I'm not good at lucid dreaming.