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Journalistic Inquire about I Doser

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:28 am
by fazoli
Hi ! My name is Thomas, I live in France (North), i'm 20, and I'm gonna enter in a journalism's school in Strasbourg.

For my training and my knowledge, I do a Inquire about I Doser, that I discover few days ago.

My investigation rests on that question : Why teenagers are attract by this "drug", also imaginary is it !

I've already interview two young people, who are "addict" to I Doser, and a man who tried I Doser without success !
I'm a in a liaison with a psychiatrist and a neurologist, They will be able to answer more precisely about my questions, about the medical field.

So, I've got a request ! For my inquire, I must contact the conceptor, the thinker, or the company, which is behind I Doser, it's very important for me, to have this interview, with an aim to make truth and verity about I Doser

Thanks all, and I await for your answer


Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 5:57 am
by fazoli
It's very important, the inquire will be heard on the first radio in France !!!!!!

So, can U answer !!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:44 am
by 420kid
haha nice post there dude. lets see what all you said. let me cap it shortly real quick here we go.
hi im a random person who none of you know and would like to come to your whereabouts and talk to you people in charge. i want to talk to you about your product which people are "addicted"(nice choice of words and no they arent addicted idiot) to. i also talked to a disclaimer so thats going to be my only source for people who have done it. i am going to also go talk to scientists who want to do major studies on I-Doser(all studies that have been about I-Doser have been to disprove and put down I-Doser so im almost positive this isnt going to be any different.)

well great job you shure know how to win people's hearts with your speaches *not*. oh and i really dont like this part right here
My investigation rests on that question : Why teenagers are attract by this "drug", also imaginary is it !
you are stereotyping all teenagers by saying that only teenagers are into I-Doser. many adults do it to and many teens choose not to do it. again people dont get addicted to I-Doser so your wrong there to. I-Doser isnt a drug so bequiet. No its not imaginary its real and your just another disclaimer just trying to ruin our fun so stfu.

Good luck getting any type of interview now bud. Not only would the admins most likely not want to meet with strange random people they wouldnt want to meet with strange random people who make fake claims of their product and talk bad in there forums.

And just you dont bother editing your post im going to quote it for the admins to read and think what they want

here is exactly what he said(i didnt edit at all) take it as whatever you want i take it offensively.
Hi ! My name is Thomas, I live in France (North), i'm 20, and I'm gonna enter in a journalism's school in Strasbourg.

For my training and my knowledge, I do a Inquire about I Doser, that I discover few days ago.

My investigation rests on that question : Why teenagers are attract by this "drug", also imaginary is it !

I've already interview two young people, who are "addict" to I Doser, and a man who tried I Doser without success !
I'm a in a liaison with a psychiatrist and a neurologist, They will be able to answer more precisely about my questions, about the medical field.

So, I've got a request ! For my inquire, I must contact the conceptor, the thinker, or the company, which is behind I Doser, it's very important for me, to have this interview, with an aim to make truth and verity about I Doser

Thanks all, and I await for your answer


Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:04 am
by fazoli
Ok so what ?

What's the matter, you're frightened to answer on some questions ?

Three persons had answered to my questions ! I've got no problem with them !

i'm just do my job with objectivity,sorry but i'm not FoX NewS

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:12 pm
by Ness
You don't sound like a journalist, you sound like a 12 year old. Journalists should know proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:47 pm
by 420kid
not to mention manners and politeness. i curse on these forums all the time but never to any person because i have respect for em. at first when idoser didnt work for me i didnt say oh its balony and just decide to quit i stuck to it and it works for me now.
so therefore you dont go trying to meet with the head executives of a company after talking down on their product and by trying to use disrespectful words to people who use the product and to the product itself

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:40 pm
by fazoli
Sorry but I'm 19 nearly 20 , I'm gonna enter in the best journalistic school in France :) the CUEJ

Sorry for my English , but i'm french

The truth is that you're just frightened

"Dommage" ;)

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:10 pm
by 420kid
well im 17. i know all types of europeans and i can tell what they mean when they try to speak english. im not ascosiated with the company in anyway except i use the product so therefore i cant give u an interview unless u want to come all the way over here to the u.s. and hear my experiences with I-Doser which you could just as easily read in the dose experiences page. so ya im not scared. whats there to be scared of anyways theres nothing illegal going on so if your honestly a journalist then why should anybody fear you. unless of course its just a cover which most likely it is. now what kind of people who make a cover and try to infultrate a company??? sounds like some high up military shit to me so why not just admit it. u act like your hiding something but as ness said you sound like a 12 year old so whatever dude good luck failing that "project" of yours.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:25 am
by fazoli
Ok listen

I apologize if I said one thing that hurts you like "addict", ok ?

I do my job honestly, I've got just ten questions, it ain't terrific ! And in my interview, I don't try to destruct I Doser or (on the other side) to magnify it

Just, explain me what I Doser bring up in your life !

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 7:35 am
by 420kid
lol dude this is just a lil forum dont worry about pissing me off. i get pissed off at alot easier things like when dumb ass people post dumb requests it pisses me off. anyways are u asking me?

cus ill just say that idoser is just like normal drugs. idoser isnt as potent and isnt harmful but it still gives the rush of drugs which is what i like. i explained in an earlier post that i choose to idoser/drugs because it gives me a rush on life which i cant get by just reading a book or watching tv. if i could afford to go bungie jumping, sky diving, scooba diving, parachuting, ect. every day then i would but unfortuanely i cant. but i can afford drugs/idoser which is just as fun a trip as is the exciting activities i just listed.

another reason is because people spend their entire lives saving money to enjoy life and then boom they are either dead or they now are to old to enjoy life so they have to spend the money on retirement.

people also try telling you that smoking/and doing drugs is bad. well tell me why is it bad. cus if i smoke ill die at the age of 50? well go down to a retirement center and talk to the people you'll see that most of all of them are people over 70 who have little money, no visitors, ect. these people are sad beyond belief and does anybody such as family or friends care. nope there to busy saving up so that they can one day be in that exact same situation. so therefore people will tell u dont smoke cus u wont live long. well whats the point of living long if its just going to be miserable.

i would rather die young and happy knowing i lived life to the fullest. rather then knowing i did nothing in my life just to see me live long.

hopefully thats a good enough interview for u and i give u permission to post me as a source if u choose to. but only if u dont edit any of my words. all u can edit is curse words so that it looks sophisticated but nothing that makes me look like im saying anything different from what i am saying now.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:33 am
by fazoli
Thanks for this ITV 420kid

I post here, all the questions I Said, so if you would answer it, you can just coy the questions onyour post, and write anwser down on it

1) How knew I Doser ?

2) How do you justify makes it emphasize the name of drugs in your amounts? Dangerous for the young people or not?

3) Contrary of that, do you think that you play a part of prevention near the young people?

4)Scientific side, believe you in the efficacity of Binaural Beats?

5) Do You think that traditional medicine will serve it one day ?

6) The question which annoys, after long reflexion with friends medical student, within sight of the price of the amounts, one imagines a sect behind that. Your opinion?

7) Which assessment cars you of your experience of I Doser

Here are the questions, so it's you to decide, to answer or not ! :)

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:21 am
by 420kid
1) How u knew about I Doser ?

heard about it at school.

2) How do you justify makes it emphasize the name of drugs in your amounts? Dangerous for the young people or not?

dont understand the first part. no i dont think it is dangerous at all for anybody

3) Contrary of that, do you think that you play a part of prevention near the young people?

i tell my experiences to my friends but i never mentioned it to young people mostly because i dont talk to young people much.

4)Scientific side, believe you in the efficacity of Binaural Beats?

yes i believe I-Doser is an efficient program that does in fact simulate similair effects to those of real drugs and real life happenings(out of body experiences)

5) Do You think that traditional medicine will serve it one day?

i dont think idotser is strong enough to risk beingused in medicine but im sure that the future will bring forth many new advances in technology so its always possible.

6) The question which annoys, after long reflexion with friends medical student, within sight of the price of the amounts, one imagines a sect behind that. Your opinion?

again sorry i dont understand

7) Which assessment cars you of your experience of I Doser

again sorry i dont understand

sorry i didnt answer all of it i didnt understand a couple. if u could better explain ill edit my post so its complete then u can use it.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:23 pm
by fazoli
thanks 420kid, but if you would answer the same questions but more understanding, please can you give me UR MSN adress :)

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:47 pm
by 420kid
uhm i dont know how to answer them more understandingly but ill try. also i dont have an msn adress but my email is

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:26 am
by faithless
i speak french, tried i-doser during 6-7 months, and it didn't work. if you're interested... (but i guess not :p )