My first "working experience?" (Nitrous)

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My first "working experience?" (Nitrous)

Post by sublime8992 »

I only found out about a few hours ago, nothing seemed to be working, until Nitrous...

I laid down in my sleeping bag, at about 5 minutes my body just felt feeling reallllly have, and I couldn't move, and it hurt to try. My vision wasn't blurred or anything like that.

It finished, and I felt almost like I do when I smoke weed. My legs weren't very wobbly, and I wasn't laughing like it says most do, but idk. I just have this weird drugged up feeling ... hard to explain.

So does this sound like a success case?
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Post by Enthralled »

yeah but ive had maybe one or two better ones so keep on trying bro :-)
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Post by sharperguy »

Thats how i felt after listening to nitrous, BUT during the dose i also felt like i was floating, then afterwards it was the opposite, like i was really heavy. (like when your young and you've been in the bath a while and you feel heavy when you get out because your used to floating in the water)

Also i got a couple of giggles too
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Post by Digi »

nitrous sounds like a boring dose... lol if im gonna do a dose i want it to do more than make me laugh or make me dizzy XD
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