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Scientific studies of binaural beats effect on mood.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:55 pm
by stevedave83
I'm very curious as to the scientific validity of I-doser. I'm aware of studies that have confirmed that brain waves can be altered by using binaural beats, but I'm interested in studies showing that this can have an effect on mood or consciousness.

I would prefer a study that was performed double-blind, in a laboratory environment and was published in a peer reviewed scientific journal.

If someone could point out such a study to me, I would be most appreciative. Thank you.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:13 pm
by patzy
There really are some adults at this site! :-D

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:12 am
by gyaagin
patzy wrote:There really are some adults at this site! :-D
I'll have you know that I'm a well mannered and educated 15 year old.

It is nice to know that there are people that actually take interest in knowledge though. :D
I'm stuck with a large group of morons at school.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:29 am
by jjong1

Thank you. This was a very interesting read.


Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:25 pm
by demonkingjj
javiersorribes wrote:Sorry i don't have the source magazine... but a search in PubMed will do. you got 2 articles here, i guess one of them is what u r looking for...

Use of binaural beat tapes for treatment of anxiety: a pilot study of tape preference and outcomes.
Le Scouarnec RP, Poirier RM, Owens JE, Gauthier J, Taylor AG, Foresman PA.

Clinique Psyché in Montreal, Quebec.

CONTEXT: Recent studies and anecdotal reports suggest that binaural auditory beats can affect mood, performance on vigilance tasks, and anxiety. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether mildly anxious people would report decreased anxiety after listening daily for 1 month to tapes imbedded with tones that create binaural beats, and whether they would show a definite tape preference among 3 tapes. DESIGN: A 1-group pre-posttest pilot study. SETTING: Patients' homes. PARTICIPANTS: A volunteer sample of 15 mildly anxious patients seen in the Clinique Psyché, Montreal, Quebec. INTERVENTION: Participants were asked to listen at least 5 times weekly for 4 weeks to 1 or more of 3 music tapes containing tones that produce binaural beats in the electroencephalogram delta/theta frequency range. Participants also were asked to record tape usage, tape preference, and anxiety ratings in a journal before and after listening to the tape or tapes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Anxiety ratings before and after tape listening, pre- and post-study State-Trait Anxiety Inventory scores, and tape preferences documented in daily journals. RESULTS: Listening to the binaural beat tapes resulted in a significant reduction in the anxiety score reported daily in patients' diaries. The number of times participants listened to the tapes in 4 weeks ranged from 10 to 17 (an average of 1.4 to 2.4 times per week) for approximately 30 minutes per session. End-of-study tape preferences indicated that slightly more participants preferred tape B, with its pronounced and extended patterns of binaural beats, over tapes A and C. Changes in pre- and posttest listening State-Trait Anxiety Inventory scores trended toward a reduction of anxiety, but these differences were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Listening to binaural beat tapes in the delta/theta electroencephalogram range may be beneficial in reducing mild anxiety. Future studies should account for music preference among participants and include age as a factor in outcomes, incentives to foster tape listening, and a physiologic measure of anxiety reduction. A controlled trial that includes binaural beat tapes as an adjunctive treatment to conventional therapy for mild anxiety may be warranted.

Binaural auditory beats affect vigilance performance and mood.
Lane JD, Kasian SJ, Owens JE, Marsh GR.

Department of Psychiatry, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA.

When two tones of slightly different frequency are presented separately to the left and right ears the listener perceives a single tone that varies in amplitude at a frequency equal to the frequency difference between the two tones, a perceptual phenomenon known as the binaural auditory beat. Anecdotal reports suggest that binaural auditory beats within the electroencephalograph frequency range can entrain EEG activity and may affect states of consciousness, although few scientific studies have been published. This study compared the effects of binaural auditory beats in the EEG beta and EEG theta/delta frequency ranges on mood and on performance of a vigilance task to investigate their effects on subjective and objective measures of arousal. Participants (n = 29) performed a 30-min visual vigilance task on three different days while listening to pink noise containing simple tones or binaural beats either in the beta range (16 and 24 Hz) or the theta/delta range (1.5 and 4 Hz). However, participants were kept blind to the presence of binaural beats to control expectation effects. Presentation of beta-frequency binaural beats yielded more correct target detections and fewer false alarms than presentation of theta/delta frequency binaural beats. In addition, the beta-frequency beats were associated with less negative mood. Results suggest that the presentation of binaural auditory beats can affect psychomotor performance and mood. This technology may have applications for the control of attention and arousal and the enhancement of human performance.
:shock: :shock:

What he said...

But seriously, binural beats are practically scientific law - they are well documented and are fairly well proven.

It does work

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:31 pm
by AsaRose
I have used many of the Idoser 'Doses'. French roast, My brain felt like it was jumping around my skull, It was NOT a placebo effect.

Multiple O was interesting, it did work, Not as hard as a normal orgasm, but it was 3 times.
Rave was interesting, Different muscles in my body would tense, I had the feeling of THIS is AWESOME a lot of the time and was sighing in happiness alot without even thinking of it and the smiles wouldn't stop.
Anti-Migraine didn't seem to work, but i've also found that my brain isn't like the others that have posted... I have to wear the headphones backwards, Left on right ear and right on left ear. It might be what side of the brain I use more often or something. Maybe that's why some people say it doesn't work for them, they just havn't tried to switch it. When i did the migraine one, it used it on the normal ears.
Jess used Genesis and came out of the room amazed and said she could now say she felt the 4 elements! Which is wow.
First love was more feeling of euphoria and happiness occasionally, a bit of heart flutter and stomach butterflies. Even some Vaginal stimulation.
Quick happy just made me smile alot, and it's not really voluntary it actually makes your mouth smile, and it's proven that if you make yourself smile that it can send the message to your brain.
Morphine put me to sleep, and i had a few lucid dreams.
I havn't tried any of the others, I dont know if they all work. But I came to this forum cause i was interested in what 'beta' the dose is.
SO there's my input. I think that idoser is pretty awesome!

Re: Scientific studies of binaural beats effect on mood.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:03 pm
by kitzen
I have a serious question.
Had binaural beats passed "double blind placebo testing"?

Re: Scientific studies of binaural beats effect on mood.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:32 am
by smartstart
I’ve been hearing about the positive effects of binaural beats and how they can alter your state of mind. Can listening to a strange tone for hours on end really put me in a different mood other than annoyed?

Re: Scientific studies of binaural beats effect on mood.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:49 am
by kbaikfndakfofm
smartstart wrote:I’ve been hearing about the positive effects of binaural beats and how they can alter your state of mind. Can listening to a strange tone for hours on end really put me in a different mood other than annoyed?
Try the quick hit versions.
guick happy 5 min
or content <-- this one you really feel even as a beginner