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Hand Of God

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 11:31 am
by HoYack
This was unbelievable!! As I started to listen my arms started to get warm, even hot (my room was really cold). After few minutes I started to feel some waves beneath my bed. Then my bed started to swing left and right, forward and backwards. In some moments I felt like I was on giant skateboard and going down the hill. And all sorts of movement.

Last ten seconds my arms from being warm they became cold in like two seconds. After it was over I went to have lunch. In moments I was laughing and in other moments I was really scared. The thing is... I wasn't really scared of anything particular, just scared.

Did anyone had similar experience with HoG?

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 2:55 pm
by Eskimo
No, nothing happened for me.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 4:16 pm
by oscar
Same, nothing happened..
I mean i try the following doses IN A ROW:

-Marijuana [Recreational Simulations]
-Peyote [Recreational Simulations]
- Opium [Recreational Simulations]
- Cocaine [Recreational Simulations]
- White Crosses
- Crystal Meth
- Hand of God
- Black Sunshine

Yes, a lot of time on my hands....

No effects i only feel more awake when i have crystal meth...

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 6:30 pm
by marryjoanna
I got similar, very intense feelings too.

I imagine there's a state of mind one must be in before attempting this to achieve maximum effects.

And oh, would I angry if HoG didn't work for me after 200$ :eek:

Can't wait till I can afford it again.

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:45 am
by sharperguy
marryjoanna wrote:I got similar, very intense feelings too.

I imagine there's a state of mind one must be in before attempting this to achieve maximum effects.

And oh, would I angry if HoG didn't work for me after 200$ :eek:

Can't wait till I can afford it again.
Hay you can re-use doses as much as you want now.

Also try brain+ or reset before doses to make them work better.

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:39 pm
by oscar
nah a "friend" has those doses... I simply went to his house 8)

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:31 pm
by Slavebell
yeah friend i experience almoast same things like u!! Same left and right movement and all... only thing i experience more is that i start feeling like im trying to sit down or stand up or flying i realy dont know how to explain.. who knows mybe i did stand up or something... sept that everything u said i fealth to...
sorry cos of my eng

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 11:15 pm
by LinkDead
I tried it last night, and my heart started to race. The only other really noticeable thing was that my bed felt like it was shaking.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:46 pm
by Ascarletabyss
I tried it last night and it BLEW MY MIND. I had tried I-Doser a while ago and nothing happened, but I recently heard of HoG and decided to try it...anyways. I was lying in my bed, all lights off, blinds closed, fan on high, covered in blankets. It...was...insane. I felt as if...I was under water at first. It then switched to a feeling of floating in space and I swear I remember thinking "Holy crap I'm upside down" and that was towards the end. In the end though...I stopped thinking about EVERYTHING. I was just...totally out of it. I was locked in place. My joints were locked I swear. I also had some really sweet after effects.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:38 am
by Faker
bah? I've tried it twice, nothing exceptionally interesting happens, although every time I start hearing people talking or yelling.

The first time, I was sitting in my computer chair just chillin' with my eyes closed and lights off, headphones on, then all of a sudden I start hearing people chanting/shouting, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. It scared me, so I stopped it.

Second time, I was already baked, so I was getting kind of paranoid/sketched. I just chilled for awhile, but then I heard someone saying 'I'm sorry.' it sounded like it was coming from outside, so I looked up and out the front door (that's where I thought it came from) but no one was there. Even weirder... this was at my friends house, and he has two front doors, one solid, one with a window, during the dose the solid door was open, so I could see the windowed door, but by the end it was closed? My friends didn't close it, because they were downstairs, and I heard them come up stairs when my dose was finishing, so I would've heard if they came up to close the door.

Anyways, later into the dose, I could hear a mans deep voice coming from the other room, but didn't understand what it said.

Also, as the pitch got higher, I felt like, euphoria or something, it was odd, but I've read that it happened to other people.

Overall, mildly creepy, I might try it again after trying the beginner doses some more.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:09 am
by madmaty
Just finished hand of God. It is very hard to describe it. I Felt at peace, like I was in a place nothing could hurt me. Most times my mind was compleatly clear, but at one point my mind raced. Like here was 1000 things there but I could not pick the thoughs out, they all jumbbled together. Also at another point it felt as tho my ears were bleading, to the point I checked. Altho alot of it is very hard to descibe, I would recommend using this only after trying a few.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:28 am
by Ghost5905
Yeah... I'm to freaked out about using hand of god... I'm going to have my friend test it out for me before I try... Lol

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:09 pm
by aidanlogins
marryjoanna wrote:
And oh, would I angry if HoG didn't work for me after 200$ :eek:

Can't wait till I can afford it again.
You know a real hit of LSD is only $5? And there are actually no physical or mental side effects at all- despite the left-over propaganda rumours from the hippie-hunting days. And a trip lasts 8 hours. And it's not like "I'm not sure if I was tripping or not." If you're not sure, then you're not tripping.

If you're scared of illegal things, try buying 2c-i or 2c-t2 or 2c-b online (google it). They're perfectly legal! and CHEAP! For that $200 you could buy almost 200 hits of 2c-b. 2c-i is the best trip though, and the safest for sure. I'd recommend the lsd though, since it's better for you. But a few doses of almost any drug won't kill you or even make you sick.

My point is, people who waste $200 on an mp3 are pathetic. Just really pathetic in every sense of the word. Really. Even if it does work.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:50 pm
by Geebus1234
aidanlogins wrote:
marryjoanna wrote:
And oh, would I angry if HoG didn't work for me after 200$ :eek:

Can't wait till I can afford it again.
You know a real hit of LSD is only $5? And there are actually no physical or mental side effects at all- despite the left-over propaganda rumours from the hippie-hunting days. And a trip lasts 8 hours. And it's not like "I'm not sure if I was tripping or not." If you're not sure, then you're not tripping.

If you're scared of illegal things, try buying 2c-i or 2c-t2 or 2c-b online (google it). They're perfectly legal! and CHEAP! For that $200 you could buy almost 200 hits of 2c-b. 2c-i is the best trip though, and the safest for sure. I'd recommend the lsd though, since it's better for you. But a few doses of almost any drug won't kill you or even make you sick.

My point is, people who waste $200 on an mp3 are pathetic. Just really pathetic in every sense of the word. Really. Even if it does work.
Only $5??! that sucks over here its like $30 a hit :(

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:32 pm
by Septimus
aidanlogins wrote: You know a real hit of LSD is only $5? And there are actually no physical or mental side effects at all- despite the left-over propaganda rumours from the hippie-hunting days.
:roll: Yeah. The 70s is not proof that LSD is bad. Try telling that to Syd Barrett. Oh, wait! He's dead.