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My first time with HandOfGod

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:49 pm
by marryjoanna
Right, so here I am. I plan to take my first ever dose of what they laughingly refer to as the Hand Of God as soon as I have finished writing this sentance. It is currently 5:54pm. Lights are off. It begins.

1%: The sound is a lot more pleasant than that of some of the others. I am actually enjoying listening to it.
6%: A feeling starts that feels like I'm floating about in water. It's somewhat pleasant.
18%: Feeling quite heavy. Holding my hands down causes my finger tips to feel as if they're inflating. Typing is hard too.
24%: Heavy dream like state. I feel my 'energy' being pushed from my feet to my head with every wave of the sound.
28%: Blurred vision. Hard time focusing. Very short memory.
30%: I see a small explosion infront of me. The ashes fall downwards until they reach my hands and disapear.
33%: A bang outside of my headphones causes a trippy buzzing noise to tone in and out, circling round my head. This happened as I typed 33%. I cannot quite remember the feeling I was going to type before the buzzing happened.
39%: I'm falling. To the right. Or is it the left. I'm not sure right now.
40%: Breathing seems a struggle.
41%: I turn up the volume. The effects intensify.
43%: Aah. Too intense.
45%: The pitch of the sound waves up and down, throwing me incredibly off balance.
50%: 15 minutes seems to have taken hours. Literally.
52%: Tensing my jaw seems to make my head vibrate, and causes a sound to fill my head. To explain it simply it sounds like somebody throwing a heavy load of sand over my head.
56%: The sound seems to be speaking to me. In some different language. It's not distinct but it seems as if it's warding me away.
60%: Complete and utter vertigo. I couldn't sit upright if I tried. Which I don't have the energy to do right now.
67%: I close my eyes for a moment. No new effects, but all of the older ones are still very vivid.
70%: It doesn't sound like I'm listening to the sound through headphones anymore. It sounds like that's what the world really sounds like. I'm also extremely hot and I'm sweating a lot.
75%: This is where people said it got intense. Oh god where they right.
80%: Complete dissociation.
85%: I just can't think.
89%: I kept thinking ''I can't do it''. This makes no sense to me as at the time I didn't establish what 'It' was. I also fell deeper into the chair. It was really uncomfortable but it helped me to control the trip
96%: The sound got quieter and I was releived it was ending. Then I looked at the percentage bar and the sound just went incredibley loud.
100%: Thank god it's over. Atleast, the noise is. The feelings remain. I need a cigarette.

It's 5 minutes after my 'trip.'
There are some definate intense after effects, such as undescribable loss of balance... and basically undescribable is a word that sums it up.

I would not reccomend this to someone new to narcotics/I-doser. This would be extremely hard to handle without experience.

I'm also sorry for writing such a long experience, I just wanted to make a detailed trip report for all people curious of the Hand of God.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:51 am
by drowninginbasic3

i may have to try this :shock:

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:37 pm
by hippie
now the conslusion, is it worth the money?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:58 am
by pro[ZAC]
"my friend" got hand of god and it is AMAZING! <--- consumed my soul...

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 11:29 am
by Creative
I will be trying this out today,this evening. :evil:
Can't wait for my cousin which is visiting me to go home >_>
I want to try hand of god now!!!!
Sheesh the waiting is just getting worse :/

Bad "trip"?

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:37 pm
by CraftyRaver
My friend took Hand of God while I was there, and he started getting terrified. It had visual effects for him, his dresser had teeth, and I was melting. He gibbered about getting smaller and smaller, then began to cry. Sounds like the equivalent of a bad acid trip to me. Has this kind of thing happened to anyone else?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:06 pm
by D13G0
Well, ^ your friend is a complete retard and falls easily for a placebo, because hand of God is a complete joke.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:02 pm
by Jeremy Pwns
D13G0 wrote:Well, ^ your friend is a complete retard and falls easily for a placebo, because hand of God is a complete joke.
Just because you can't get It to work doesn't mean you can take It on everyone else here.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:21 pm
by ethan1134
Jeremy Pwns wrote:
D13G0 wrote:Well, ^ your friend is a complete retard and falls easily for a placebo, because hand of God is a complete joke.
Just because you can't get It to work doesn't mean you can take It on everyone else here.

yeah, seriosuly, grow up dude.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:55 pm
by Jeremy Pwns
ethan1134 wrote:
Jeremy Pwns wrote:
D13G0 wrote:Well, ^ your friend is a complete retard and falls easily for a placebo, because hand of God is a complete joke.
Just because you can't get It to work doesn't mean you can take It on everyone else here.

yeah, seriosuly, grow up dude.
Your the one whos acting childish ¬¬

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:52 pm
by ethan1134
oh, k sorry.

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:07 am
by MrDj
Is it safe? Will i bad trip?

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:10 am
by ethan1134
what...hand of god?