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I'm really starting to get frustrated.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:36 am
by dylanforce
I've read almost every post on here, including the one about 100% accuracy. I've done every tip possible and tried at least 5 different doses, including Marijiuana, Excite, Ecstasy, Divinorium, and Opium. I've tried each one 2-3 times and done Reset before a few, and i haven't felt a thing. I listen to the constant tone and try to focus on it but i feel nothing. I really want this to work. I've done these all in the dark, laying down, eyes closed, etc. I use headphones with a 20hz-20,00hz frequency range.

I need help. Anything. It's starting to get me really frustrated.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:44 pm
by ethan1134
hey i know how you feel. its taken me several DOZENS of tries, but the effects are coming on slowly but surely. you also need to experiment, maybe not the whole dark room thingy or reset before it, that's just for most people and you can differ easily.

you also may be in the 2% or whatever that is immune, i doubt that exists...actually im not sure, but i think anyone can ahieve something by practicing. practicing and experiment is all the advive i have for ya.