Question, im new.

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Question, im new.

Post by roguearthur »

Well, I found out about this last night, did it for the first time, last night.

I have pretty bad ADD/ADHD so I only so far tried the Quick happy, and the French Roast. I'm not sure if they did anything for me? do those 2 just effect you alittle hardly notice? im not sure if i was doing it wrong, or it just didn't do too much.

Also, how long do some of these last? like spending 30 minutes laying down doing nothing. hopefully it lasts long enough? my friend said extasy weared off right after doing it the sound file
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Post by Shrimpo »

I also have ADHD and having ADD/ADHD doesn't make a difference, it's just harder to focus. Don't worry about not feeling effects, new dosers rarely ever feel effects the first or second time. Your brain has to get use to binaural beats. How long you feel the effects matter on your experience and how fast you can get back to your normal state of mind. I've noticed that for us ADD/ADHD people the effects fade away more quickly then those without ADD or ADHD, i think this is because our synapses move more quickly. Please correct me if i'm wrong anyone.
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Post by roguearthur »

Shrimpo wrote:I also have ADHD and having ADD/ADHD doesn't make a difference, it's just harder to focus. Don't worry about not feeling effects, new dosers rarely ever feel effects the first or second time. Your brain has to get use to binaural beats. How long you feel the effects matter on your experience and how fast you can get back to your normal state of mind. I've noticed that for us ADD/ADHD people the effects fade away more quickly then those without ADD or ADHD, i think this is because our synapses move more quickly. Please correct me if i'm wrong anyone.
how long do some usually last? like which last how long etc.
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Post by Shrimpo »

Everyone is different so everyone experiences a different length of "high." For me, i think my longest high was like 30-45min. long. It was a pretty bad high to think of it. I took French Roast to wake up of course, then i took Demerol. This was all at school and i had taken my medication for ADHD (Adderall XR 30mg.) I was just sitting in my seat stareing at the blackboard just sitting there. Barely any reaction at all except for blinking and moving my head to stare at other objects. I couldn't listen to the teacher even when i commanded myself to or tried to force myself to. Mixing binaural beats with ADHD medication is not a good or healthy thing to do. ADHD medications are stimulates of the Central Nervous System (CNS) Electricity travels through nerves from and to the brain as synapses which are like bridges that connect to neurons. EXAMPLE: A hot chick catches you trying to stare up her skirt and kicks you in the shin. An electric shock is sent from the brain to your shin which tells you that you're in PAIN. Certain drugs can slower the reaction time of the nervous system which causes someone to say "OW!" 7 seconds later. Anyways ADD/ADHD medication slower those synapses and cause you to stay focusd longer and concentrate better. Since your brain is technically not in it's normal state and you dose, it sorta screws the balance up and causes unwanted side effects. Please don't criticise this post reply because this is all off the top of my head.

BTW, i find I-Doser to be helpful in curing me of my ADHD since you have to relax, not move, focus, clear your mind (i tend to think to much about things), concentrate, etc.

Thank you.
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Post by roguearthur »

Shrimpo wrote:Everyone is different so everyone experiences a different length of "high." For me, i think my longest high was like 30-45min. long. It was a pretty bad high to think of it. I took French Roast to wake up of course, then i took Demerol. This was all at school and i had taken my medication for ADHD (Adderall XR 30mg.) I was just sitting in my seat stareing at the blackboard just sitting there. Barely any reaction at all except for blinking and moving my head to stare at other objects. I couldn't listen to the teacher even when i commanded myself to or tried to force myself to. Mixing binaural beats with ADHD medication is not a good or healthy thing to do. ADHD medications are stimulates of the Central Nervous System (CNS) Electricity travels through nerves from and to the brain as synapses which are like bridges that connect to neurons. EXAMPLE: A hot chick catches you trying to stare up her skirt and kicks you in the shin. An electric shock is sent from the brain to your shin which tells you that you're in PAIN. Certain drugs can slower the reaction time of the nervous system which causes someone to say "OW!" 7 seconds later. Anyways ADD/ADHD medication slower those synapses and cause you to stay focusd longer and concentrate better. Since your brain is technically not in it's normal state and you dose, it sorta screws the balance up and causes unwanted side effects. Please don't criticise this post reply because this is all off the top of my head.

BTW, i find I-Doser to be helpful in curing me of my ADHD since you have to relax, not move, focus, clear your mind (i tend to think to much about things), concentrate, etc.

Thank you.
That helped a lot. Just, seriously, I find this kind of pointless because it takes 35 minutes on average to listen to, when the effects only last for around 40 minutes after? I'm not complaining since its not like its anybodys fault, and cant be really fixed. I'm more interested in the whole brain+ one or other "curing" things, If i wanted to smoke weed, i would just do so. But my mom wont let me take pills for ADD/ADHD (I don't know which i have, I always forget the difference, sorry. i think i have both?) so even the ones that help you actually learn, and "cure" stuff only last for really short time too? So it wouldn't help in the end because spending 30 minutes before school everyday doing the brain+, and then it only working for the first..20 minutes of actual class. It would pretty much be useless, atleast in my eyes?

sorry if I'm the worst poster ever.. i type like im 12.
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Post by Shrimpo »

Actually I-Doser says to not take another dose for 2 hours without reseting and on the Demerol dose it said it the description, "...lasts anywhere from 2 to 4 hours." Which brings me to the conclusion that effects can last longer than 40 minutes. I just have this curse that i can go back to my normal state of mind quickly... or it may be the ADHD.

BTW, no one can have ADD and ADHD at the same time. They are 2 different things. ADD= Attention Deficent Disorder and ADHD= Attention Deficent Hyperactive Disorder meaning you can't focus for long and you can't sit your ass still.

P.S. i'm 13... shocking isn't it. :shock:
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Post by roguearthur »

Shrimpo wrote:Actually I-Doser says to not take another dose for 2 hours without reseting and on the Demerol dose it said it the description, "...lasts anywhere from 2 to 4 hours." Which brings me to the conclusion that effects can last longer than 40 minutes. I just have this curse that i can go back to my normal state of mind quickly... or it may be the ADHD.

BTW, no one can have ADD and ADHD at the same time. They are 2 different things. ADD= Attention Deficent Disorder and ADHD= Attention Deficent Hyperactive Disorder meaning you can't focus for long and you can't sit your ass still.

P.S. i'm 13... shocking isn't it. :shock:
I have no short term memory, blank off easily, except when im trying to..blank off on purpose, hard for me to sleep and do things like i-doser. but I have trouble sitting still too. i can never stop moving in class, its kinda bad i feel like people are staring at me. lol

You are only 13? You are typing like your 30. I'm jealous. :]

Also, i just tried ecstasy, this time i layed down on the ground next to my computer, first time doing a 30, i kinda got up half way and opened my eyes for a second for some reason im not sure why, the only really "weird" thing is when my eyes are closed and im doing these I-dosers, i see, lights in my eyes when closed. usually during like quick happy/french roast I see just full flashes of light for .1 second; but with ecstasy it was making weird moving patterns in my eye, it was pretty cool. Hopefully one day I-doser will work for me.

and last i promise, my headphones, they arnt sound canceling, they are BOSE In-Ear Headphones ... ones_index
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Post by kr3wskater »

If i-doser used the right carrier frequencies you could feel the full effects within 5 minutes, but they don't in most doses, that's why it takes 30 minutes and the effects aren't as strong as they could be. I had full-blown auditory hallucinations from a binaural beat yesterday (heard REALLY LOUD music, ripped off headphones, couldn't drown out the noise, it was like donkey kong music or something, i was freakin out at how loud it was, i couldn't even hear people talking to me). Hopefully they'll use the right carrier freq's in their quickhits and they'll be kickass. Also, your probably only gonna feel the aftereffects for 10 minutes or so, definately not 40.

And to those with ADHD or ADD - try meditating, and have a serious talk with your parents about getting off the meds, i made another post here that im not gonna retype (you could just search ADHD and put kr3wskater in the author field) about how anti-adderall i am, haha. My short-term memory comes and goes, meditating is a really good way to get my mind together. It's also good at making you focus, and if you have adhd it really calms you down.
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