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french roast question

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:29 am
by grizz101
im trying to stay up all night. if i take this, and do that, will i have any bad after effects, because im trying to stay up for school too.

any advice?

Re: french roast question

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:47 am
by N1c3
grizz101 wrote:im trying to stay up all night. if i take this, and do that, will i have any bad after effects, because im trying to stay up for school too.

any advice?
Idk, imo, french roast isn't something you can really use to keep yourself awake for just that little bit longer, cause if you are trying your damnest to stay awake for 7 more hours, and then you lay down, comfortably, under the sheets, with the lights off, then even if you do listen to the dose, you'll probably end up falling asleep anyways, see what I mean.
Your best bet would be to buy yourself a six pack of the strongest energy drinks (such as Bawls, not that weakass redbull shit) and drink those to stay up!