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Multiple doses in a row

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:40 am
by Chabekak
Soo uhh.. is it a bad thing to listen to doeses one after another WITHOUT the reset dose? ..What happens when you listen to another without reset?


Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 9:27 am
by majo88
the "doses" just modulate your brainwaves to certain frequencies..

thus the reason they "ramp" gradually, rather than just jumping around
to random frequencies.

in order for it safe safe, and effective-
it has to be a gradual.. almost natural change.

So I imagine the reset just gradually lowers your brainwaves back down
to baseline.. where you operate naturally.


so then you can go from ground zero-
to whichever ground the next dose will take you to.

for instance.. it wouldn't be very practical to leave your mind @ say 20hz
and then trying to go straight to 7hz.. know what i mean son?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:01 pm
by Love
My friend( he is a little dumb and stuburn) he tried french toast and said hi was to hyper so.. he took sleeping angel. After this he was very naussous.
Sorry about the bad speling