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Lessen the effect of real thing?
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:43 am
by Tig1360
Yea so I'm new to this whole thing and just wanted to know if any of the doses (MJ, alcohol), would affect the effect of the real thing in any way.
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:52 pm
by ethan1134
what if you take the MJ dose and then go smoke some later for real that it wont get you high? no i dont see why it would make real drugs suddenly stop working
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:10 pm
by Tig1360
yea that's basically what i was worried about, just wondering if any has smoked mj after taking the dose. im sure the dose thing is cool but i id rather smoke it and get high lol
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:34 pm
by Mikewk
The absolute best is to smoke up, THEN listen to Idoser's MJ while you are wrecked. You can concentrate amazingly on the Binuaral Beats which gives you amazing effects. Blazing then taking the MJ Dose increases your high a great deal. Good Luck!
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:23 pm
by kr3wskater
I-doser has nothing to do with the actual drugs the beats are named after. The beats are just named after drugs (it's called marketing) so you'll buy them...
It's not like peyote gives you the effects of a peyote trip, or coke will give you a coke rush. You can take as many "doses" as you want and still won't build any tolerance toward the drug they're named after...
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:52 pm
by Cryptopsy
No, that's not quite it. I-doser is giving you what they think is a simulation of some of the drug's effects, but not the true effects of the real thing. Taking a marijuana dose might make you laugh more and feel really chill and all that good stuff, but it won't make your eyes turn red or give you munchies. You have to remember that a binaural beat is a binaural beat and should not be confused with other drugs. Binauar beats have their own symptoms and means of ingestation. It would be much simpler if I-doser just said "here, this is a relaxation beat, and this is an energy beat, and this is an arousal beat, and this beat will make you go into a dreamlike state and see weird pictures in your head." The beats don't work the same way as drugs do, so there is no way it will help your body adapt to them.