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Description of CEVs?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:58 pm
by bummerboy
I guess I have not yet done a real hallucinogenic drug to know what a CEV is actually like, so what exactly is a CEV like? Do you just see funky shapes and lights illuminating the darkness of your closed eyes?

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:49 am
by Geebus1234
Most CEVs are just colours and shapes and shit morphing and swirling instead of the normal blackness, but some cevs can be very intense and, some are as vivid as open eye visuals, it also depends what drug you take. ecstacy and mushrooms make me see colours and grids and shit, datura is really weird, alot of times when im on datura i will close my eyes and i can see exactly what is actually there with my eyes open, like seein through my eyelids its the most bizarre thing. But you ncan achieve cevs just by simple meditation, close your eyes, relax, after a while you will see stuff.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:35 am
by subway
CEV's are interesting and have many versions from my experience.

CEVs can be colors, shapes, dots, and wierd visuals which happen when u close your eyes. You can have CEvs just by closing your eyes at night. Idoser however intensifies these Cevs by inducing frequencies which alter your meditative state to either of the four ABDT states.

when ussing a dose which combines frequencies to Delta or theta level, you can get some pretty cool stuff, like just running through diffrent memories, playing out scinarios, and seeing things just happen that make no sence.

Beta and Alpha induced CEVs are usually basic blobs, colors, shapes, and textures.

All of this combined with pulses, tempo increase, and static, plus the combining of other frequencies is what defines what idoser does.

From getting in these theta state for example, then carefully increasing pulse tempo, you can get some weird ass feelings, like paranoia, and accelarated Current heart rate. As well as thoughts racing exedra.

or if they were to really sloww the tempo you may get goose bumps and get realllly really hot.

Mixing and combining these in precise measurments, idoser is able to mimic states of consciousness, to achieve feelings similar to Those of drugs. They do this in a more precise way by finding the frequencies of those who are on a drug, then use a frequency to get in that state, then from there combine the frequencies to make you experience that of a drug.

Yep and thats how it works.


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:41 am
by Beanmaster
to test it out for yourself without anything needed:
press with your ball of the hands on your closed eyes, not too hard and not too soft.
Maybe it can hurt after a few minutes, but when you press on your eyes you will see many colors and formations in the darkness

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:29 am
by spazzmckiwi
I've never really seen any vivid colors on any chemical or i-dose, but i Have seen random flashes of light that I KNEW were hallucinations, mainly because I couldn't stop them if i tried, and also because the CEV's i got from AcidQH came when i was wearing an eye cover. In fact, somewhat comparable to what I got from the actual chemical. Except that the ones from the chemical lasted a LOT longer and were more like swirling glow sticks that kept me from going to sleep.